Chapter 22

After Justin taped a few more of his solo scenes, it was time for him and Maggie to do some shots together. The first set of shots were going to be like daydream scenes of Maggie and Justin being happy together in a relationship.

The whole idea of these scenes made Maggie incredibly nervous. She had to admit ever since she'd come to L.A. she'd started to develop some feelings for Justin, although she wasn't quite sure what they were or what they meant yet. She just kept telling herself to not worry about it for now and to think about it later. But she knew later would be coming up quicker than she expected.


"Okay, you're walking through the park happily together, holding hands, laughing, smiling, a happy couple," the director explained quickly, setting up the scene. Maggie was now wearing a dark pink v-neck long sleeved shirt and jeans, and Justin was wearing khakis, a plaid shirt, and a denim jacket over it. Maggie played with the bottom of her shirt nervously, trying to look at anything but Justin right then.

"Come on Mags, I'm not THAT bad, am I?" Justin asked with a little laugh when he noticed Maggie's behavior. "No, I'm just kinda nervous, sorry," she apologized quickly. Soon they started the scene and started walking through the park hand in hand. They were joking around and laughing with each other, completely forgetting about the cameras around them.

Maggie quickly jumped on Justin's back and he ran around some trees giving her a piggy-back ride. He started running around a grassy field near the trees and soon lost his balance, causing him and Maggie to fall into a laughing pile on the grass. When they finally caught their breath from laughing so much, Maggie was lying on her back in the grass with Justin hovering over her. He looked at her and smiled to her tenderly while gently brushing a few curls off her face. She smiled back at him shyly and just as Justin was leaning down to give her a soft kiss, to make the scene even more romantic, he heard the director yell a loud "Cut!" Justin groaned inwardly, upset that he had been stopped.

"That was great guys, it looked so real," the director praised them. Maggie and Justin smiled to each other as they were rushed away to change clothes.


An hour or so later, the location had been moved to a small nearby lake with a beautiful view and a dock. It was getting dark now, and the moon was shining off the water, giving a perfect reflection. Maggie stepped out of her trailer wearing a simple, short black dress and her curls swept up with sparkly clips. Just as she stepped out she saw Justin waiting for her, wearing a black suit with a red dress shirt and a plain black tie.

Maggie's breath caught in her throat as soon as she saw him. He stood there with his hands clasped in front of him, giving her a confident grin. Maggie laughed a little as she noticed that Justin knew how good he looked in that suit. She walked up to him and gave him the same smug smile, causing both of them to burst out laughing. "Shall we?" Justin asked, offering his arm for her to take. Maggie nodded as she put her arm in his as they walked to the dock.


The next scene would be another daydream sequence. Maggie and Justin would dance on the dock of the lake as he sang softly to her. Once all the cameras and monitors were in place, they started the shot. Justin wrapped his arms around Maggie's waist tightly as she did the same with her arms around his neck. He pulled her closer and she leaned her head on his chest. She could hear him softly singing the song to her, and whenever his breath hit her bare skin it would give her goosebumps. She closed her eyes and tried to hold him even tighter, like she never wanted to let him go.

Justin held Maggie delicately in his arms and noticed her pull him even tighter to her. He smiled down to her as he whispered the song to her. The feelings he had for Maggie right then were so confusing to him. He'd been spending a month trying to figure out how exactly he wanted her in his life. But right then, the only thing he wanted was to hold her like this forever. He had a feeling this was more than a video shoot to both of them.

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