Chapter 23

The whole crew of the video stood and watched Justin and Maggie in amazement. They'd never seen anything as beautiful as what they were witnessing right then. It was almost as if they were watching the couple fall in love with each other all over again.

Maggie snuggled even closer to Justin as he tightened his grip on her waist. After swaying for what seemed like forever, Maggie finally raised her head and looked up into Justin's eyes. The look of friendship that had been in them earlier was now replaced with a look of love and compassion. She smiled softly to him as he lowered his head down to hers. He rested his forehead against hers gently and stared at her for a few more moments before closing his eyes slowly to take in the moment. Maggie did the same as him.

The director knew he had more than enough footage of this scene, but he didn't have the heart to yell cut and interrupt them. So he instructed the crew to start packing up for the next scene while the two stood on the dock, oblivious to the hustle and bustle around them.


Maggie finally opened her eyes after a little while and looked around slowly. She noticed they were the only people left. "Justin, they left us," she whispered. "What?" he asked opening his eyes. "Everyone's gone," she replied, pulling out of her embrace with Justin. "Where is everyone? How could they just leave us?" he asked quickly, starting to panic. "Calm down, there has to be someone somewhere," Maggie reasoned.

"Hey, lovebirds, are you ready to finish this video?" they heard Lance call from the parking lot across the park. Maggie's face instantly turned bright red and she thanked God that it was too dark for Justin to see. "Yeah, we're coming," Justin groaned as they walked to Lance.


"Come on, can't we just go get a little sleep?" Justin begged the director once they were on the last set, which was actually the first set they'd begun taping on almost a whole day earlier. "Justin we just have one tiny scene left, and we already have the extras here. It will take fifteen minutes, I promise," the director insisted. "Fine," Justin pouted.

Maggie stepped out of her dressing room wearing the same outfit as earlier, the black skirt and white shirt with the black jacket. She walked to the set to find all the same extras as earlier standing around waiting to start. She also noticed Justin and as soon as he saw her he smiled at her shyly. Once the director explained what they were supposed to do they got in place, ready to start.


Justin's voice once more flowed through every inch of the room, mesmerizing Maggie. His voice had always been the most beautiful thing she'd ever heard. The scene was of Maggie and Justin both rushing down the same busy sidewalk, heading towards each other. Due to not paying attention, they run into each other and instantly fall in love.

Maggie rushed down the sidewalk with her head down, waiting for Justin to run into her. When she finally felt it, she looked up into his blue eyes and it felt like it was the first time she'd ever looked into them.

Justin looked into Maggie's bright green eyes and remembered the first time he ever saw her. It was love at first sight. Thoughts of he and Maggie together flooded his head as he struggled to just act, even though he couldn't ignore the butterflies he felt in his stomach, like the ones he'd felt when he first saw Maggie.

Once again, the crew stood watching in awe. "Something tells me they aren't acting," the director whispered softly.

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