Chapter 25

"Oh my gosh, he kissed you?!" Nikki exclaimed into the phone. Maggie laughed lightly at her. "Yes, he kissed me, but it was just part of the video," Maggie replied. She was lounging by the pool of their hotel in L.A. while Justin did some promotional stuff with Lance.

"Come on Mags, I know there were fireworks, and I know it wasn't just acting," Nikki urged. "Okay, so I felt something, but it's not like I'm gonna do anything about it," Maggie replied. "So you did feel something? What was it?" Nikki asked seriously. "I don't know, I started getting some kind of feelings for him when I got to L.A. I don't know if it was just because he acted like he needed me so badly, or what it was. Then being around him for the whole video shoot, acting like a happy couple in the scenes, it brought back lots of old memories," Maggie replied. "So your old feelings came back?" Nikki asked.

"I have no idea Nik. I have no idea what these feelings are. I don't know if they're friendship, or lust, or love, or what they are. When we were dancing on the dock, I just felt something between us," Maggie whispered. She continued, "It was kind of magical almost." "Mags, I think you're falling in love with him again," Nikki replied. "Come on Nik, I don't know if it's that serious yet. And I don't even know if he has the same feelings." "You really need to talk to him." "I know I do, I will soon, I promise," Maggie replied. "You better! Well I've gotta get going, call me when you get back to London," Nikki instructed. "Okay, I'll talk to you later," Maggie said hanging up.


The next day Maggie and Justin went to the production studio to view the video. They sat down as the director popped the tape into the vcr. "I'm really happy with the way it turned out, it's really incredible. Here we go," the director replied, pushing play.

The video began with shots of Maggie rushing down the crowded street followed by shots of Justin rushing down the same street. There were a few shots of Justin standing on the fire escape singing the first verse, then one of him sitting on the edge of the dock by the lake.

Once the chorus started, it showed Maggie and Justin running into each other and gazing into each other's eyes. For the second verse it showed the daydream sequence of Maggie and Justin running happily through the park and one of them eating a picnic lunch in the park.

The second time the chorus came on, more shots of Justin on the fire escape and in a park came on, with a few scenes of him and Maggie staring at each other again.

During the bridge the scenes of Maggie and Justin dancing slowly on the dock came on with Justin whispering the words, "You are the one for me, and it's evident," to Maggie. There were more daydream sequences of the dock and the park.

The very end of the video, on the lines "When I saw you, I'd never be, I'd never be the same, never be the same," it showed the kiss between Maggie and Justin in slow motion, then ended with the shot of them kissing with people walking down the street around them.


"Justin, that was a great video," Maggie replied, in shock of how well the video turned out. "Thanks, but it wouldn't have been half as good if you weren't in it," Justin replied shyly.

Maggie and Justin got up to leave when the director stopped Justin at the door. "It was a pleasure working with you, good luck with everything, and good luck with her," the director replied, glancing towards Maggie. "What?" Justin asked. "Good luck with her, I hope it all turns out well," he replied. "Oh no, we aren't like that.." Justin started before he was cut off. "I see how much you two care for each other. It's only a matter of time," the director replied with a smile.

Justin walked out the door in shock, but also with a smile on his face.

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