Chapter 26

The next day Justin flew to New York to do an appearance on TRL on MTV and premiere his new video. Maggie flew back to London early to work on a few tracks for the album. She'd just managed to get out of the studio early enough to go watch Justin on TRL.

Maggie laid down on the bed in her hotel room as she turned on the tv quickly. "Hey, welcome back to TRL, and we have a very special guest with us today: former *N Sync member-turned solo act-Justin Timberlake," the voice of Carson Daly filled the room.

Screams filled the studio as Justin walked onto the set and next to Carson. He smiled and waved to everyone. Maggie noticed how good he looked in his tight black t-shirt and blue jeans. "Mags, not again," she scolded herself.

"Well, as you all know, Justin is here to premiere the video for his first single off his upcoming solo album. Why don't you tell us a little bit about the video?" Carson asked. "Well we shot it about a week ago out in L.A. The basic concept is seeing someone and falling in love with them at first sight," Justin replied. "What about the girl in the video? She's quite beautiful, any off-screen romance between you two?" Carson asked. Maggie could feel herself blushing all of a sudden but was anxious to hear Justin's answer.

"No, Maggie's just a great friend of mine. We go way back, to my days in *N Sync. She's actually the head producer of my new album. She is quite beautiful and she's a great girl, but we're just friends," Justin replied.

Maggie could feel her heart sink to her stomach as soon as she heard the words, "just friends." But he was right, technically that was all they were. For some reason she couldn't stop herself from thinking that they should be something more, that there should be more there.


Justin arrived back in London late the next night. He snuck into the hotel room quietly, trying not to wake Maggie up. He stood by the bed for a minute and watched her sleep. He smiled softly as he noticed the way the moonlight peeked through the curtains and shone onto her face. He watched her chest go up and down as she took every breath. He sighed to himself as he climbed into bed next to her.


"Oh my gosh Justin, I have the best news!" Maggie exclaimed, bursting into the hotel room the next afternoon. Justin was lying on the bed watching tv, still tired from his trip and recording earlier that day. "What?" he asked, not acting very interested. "I just had that meeting with Lance and the record executives, and guess whose single is debuting at #1 on the Billboard chart next week?!" she asked. Justin shot up immediately. "Number 1, me?!" he asked. Maggie nodded happily. "Oh my God Mags, this is incredible!" he yelled, scooping Maggie up in his arms and hugging her while jumping up and down. Maggie couldn't keep from laughing, she couldn't remember ever being as proud of someone as she was right now.

"We've gotta go celebrate," Justin replied, putting Maggie down. "What do you want to do?" she asked. "Go get dressed, we're gonna go out for a night on the town," Justin replied.

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