Chapter 27

"Justin, you know I'm not much of a club person," Maggie said in an unsure tone as she glanced around the club. "Come on Mags, I have the number one single in the country, can't you make this one exception for me?" Justin whined grabbing her hand and dragging her onto the dance floor. "Fine," she sighed. Justin couldn't help but stare at Maggie as she moved to the beat of the music. She looked perfect in her short black skirt and lavender tank top. He reached his arms around her neck and ran his fingers through her long curls while they danced.

After dancing for awhile Maggie and Justin decided they needed a break. "You go sit down, I'll get us a couple drinks," Justin replied heading towards the bar. Maggie walked backwards to a nearby table as she watched Justin walk to the bar. "Okay, so he does have a nice butt," she thought to herself as she watched him in his baggy cargo khakis and dark green Abercrombie shirt.

Justin returned to the table with two drinks and placed one in front of Maggie. "What's this?" she asked motioning towards the yellow drink. "It's a fuzzy navel, you'll like it," he said pushing it towards her more. "Alright," she replied taking a sip. Before she knew it, Justin was dragging her back onto the dance floor.


"Wow Justin, who knew that a club could be so much fun," Maggie said giggling a little, leaning on Justin as they walked back to their table. "See, I told you you'd like it," Justin replied, slurring his words a little bit. "Uh oh, my drink's empty," Maggie said looking into her glass. "So is mine, I'll go get us more," Justin said stumbling towards the bar.

A couple hours later, and many more drinks later, Maggie and Justin decided to head back to the hotel. They'd both had way too much to drink and were grateful that they had the next day off. They'd been getting a little friendlier with each other as the night progressed, but they had been able to stop far.


Maggie and Justin stumbled into the dark hotel room still laughing giddily. Justin walked over to the bed and pulled off his t-shirt, revealing a tight wifebeater underneath. Maggie stood by the door and stared at him in awe. She knew it was the alcohol speaking, but she suddenly felt the urge to kiss him.

She walked over to him slowly and by now he was stripped down into his boxers. He had his back to her so she gently turned him around to face her and planted a hungry kiss onto his lips. He wanted to pull away, but knew he couldn't. He returned the kiss with just as much intensity and fire as he received it.

He gently laid Maggie onto the bed as he started to pull her tank top off. "Mags, are you sure?" he managed to whisper between kisses. She nodded her head quickly urging him to continue. They both knew they were drunk and couldn't really comprehend what they were doing, but their feelings at that moment were too intense for anything to stop them.

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