Chapter 29

Maggie laid there in Justin's arms for a few more minutes. All of a sudden the reality of what had happened the night before started to sink into her mind. She sat up quickly but carefully, trying not to disturb Justin's sleep. She jumped out of bed, grabbed one of Justin's t-shirts lying on the floor, threw it on, and ran to the bathroom.


Justin woke up when he rolled over and the bright morning sunlight shone onto his face. He shielded his eyes from the light and rolled back over, expecting to see Maggie lying next to him. He was surprised to see that she wasn't there. The events from the night before played through his mind as a small smile formed on his lips. He was hoping what he and Maggie had shared would bring their relationship to a new level.


A few minutes later Maggie emerged from the bathroom wearing an over-sized bath robe and a towel on her head. She was hoping she'd showered fast enough that Justin would still be asleep while she got her clothes, but she hadn't. The sight of Justin awake on the bed startled her and caused her to jump a little.

"Morning," he said with a smile, propping himself up on one arm. "Hi," she mumbled as she turned to the dresser and started going through it. "Did you want to order some breakfast from room service?" Justin asked. "What? Oh no, I think I'm gonna go out for some breakfast this morning," she said with her back still turned to him. "Come on Mags, wouldn't breakfast in bed be romantic? Hey, look, they've got strawberries and whipped cream," he said with a devilish smile as he looked over the menu. Maggie turned around just in time to see his sly smile and she almost fell for it. " thanks..I think I.." she stuttered nervously, trying to think of an excuse as she inched her way back to the bathroom slowly.

Justin noticed her jumpiness and the way she was avoiding him, and he couldn't understand it. She'd practically thrown herself at him the night before, and now she was acting like he was a diseased rat. Maggie finally made it to the bathroom and she slipped in quickly, slamming the door behind her.


Maggie emerged from the bathroom once again a few minutes later, this time wearing jeans and a sweater. Justin didn't understand what she was doing, they had the whole day off, and he knew that he planned on being lazy all day long. "Where are you going?" he asked, sitting up on the bed. "Um..well, you know what I just realized this morning? I realized that I've been here in London for almost two months, and I still haven't done any sightseeing. I haven't seen Big Ben or Buckingham Palace, and I know my mom's going to kill me if I don't come back with at least one roll of film of London's greatest tourist sites, so I thought today would be the perfect opportunity to-" she was talking a million miles an hour as she walked around the room quickly filling her purse up with makeup, a camera, sunglasses, keys, and whatever else she could find to distract herself from Justin at that moment. She finally stopped talking when Justin leaned up, grabbed her arm, and gently put a finger over her lips.

"Are you okay?" he asked, sitting back down on the bed, pulling her down next to him. "Am I okay? Of course I'm okay, why wouldn't I be okay? I'm perfectly fine Justin-" she started rambling again. "Because you sound like Chris or JC when they've had a few too many Pixie Sticks," he said, making Maggie giggle a little. "Now why are you acting so weird around me?" he asked softly. She shrugged her shoulders slightly and turned her face away from his gaze.

"Mags, about last night, I know we were both drunk, but-" Justin started before Maggie cut him off this time. "You're exactly right Justin, we were both very drunk and didn't really know what we were doing, it was all completely a mistake, and I don't want it to change our relationship in any way," she said, looking down at the flowered bedspread. "Maggie, I don't think it was a mistake," Justin whispered, grabbing her hand. Maggie took a deep breath and continued to stare down at her fingers. "And I know in some way you don't think it's a mistake either. Look me in the eyes and tell me you think it was a mistake," he instructed. "Justin-" Maggie started to protest. "Just do it, Mags," he whispered.

Maggie finally lifted her head slowly and rested her gaze on his warm blue eyes staring down at her. For some reason they looked different to her now. When she'd first met him again they were full of friendship, then they changed to more of a best friend or a slight crush, and now she knew without a doubt they were full of love. And that was what scared her the most.

She took another deep breath before speaking. "I have to go," she said softly before getting up and running out the door, leaving a very hurt and confused Justin all alone.

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