Chapter 30

Maggie sighed and wiped away a stray tear that had escaped from her eye. She'd left the hotel prepared to visit London's greatest sights, but her plans changed when she found a small park a few blocks away from the hotel and ended up spending most of the day there moping and feeling sorry for herself.

She tried her hardest to keep her mind off Justin, but every time she tried, her mind drifted back to him. She had to admit that the thought of last night still gave her goosebumps. She kept thinking about how his lips still fit hers perfectly, how his arms wrapped around her just right. She shook her head quickly and grabbed her cell phone out of her purse.

"Nik? Do you have time to talk?" Maggie asked hopefully. "I've always got time for you, I'm just finishing up some stuff here at the office but I could use a break," Nikki replied. She noticed Maggie's quiet voice and nervous tone, and knew immediately that something had happened with Justin.

"So what did the curly-haired little devil do now?" Nikki asked. Maggie laughed lightly at her statement, the first time she'd smiled all day. She sighed as she began her story. "Well, Justin's single is debuting at number one next week, so we went out to celebrate last night. Let's just say we both had a little too much to drink, and one thing led to another..." Maggie said trailing off.

"Did you guys kiss again?" Nikki asked curiously. "Just a little more than kiss," Maggie laughed nervously, trying to ease some of her tension. "Oh my gosh Mags, what did you do?" Nikki asked, only now she sounded more stern, almost like a mother. Maggie sighed deeply again before answering. "We had sex," she said so quietly that Nikki could barely hear her. "You what?" "We had sex Nik," Maggie said, still quietly, almost as if she was ashamed of it.

"Oh my gosh," Nikki whispered, surprised. "But we were both drunk, so we didn't really know what we were doing, and I'm sure if we hadn't been drinking-" Maggie babbled before Nikki cut her off. "Maggie, people don't just sleep with each other for no reason. Even if they have been drinking. Not people like you and Justin, anyways," Nikki replied. "But Nik, we were-" Maggie tried to reason with her. "No but's Mags, there's something behind this, now let's figure out what it is," Nikki demanded. Maggie rubbed her forehead tiredly and leaned back to get comfortable, she knew this would take awhile.

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