Chapter 31

Justin smiled sadly at the picture frame he held in his hand. In it was a picture of him and Maggie from when they had dated four long years ago. They were hugging tightly and no one would miss the looks of love in their eyes or on their faces. He wished everything could be that way again. "Why did I ever leave her in the first place? She's so perfect for me, I know it, everyone knows it...I just wish she knew it," he whispered to no one in particular.

He sat up on the bed that he hadn't really gotten up from since Maggie had left earlier that morning. "If she comes back and sees me lying around like a pathetic loser, she'll definetly want to leave again," he said to himself, getting up to take a shower.


Maggie sighed loudly and leaned her head on the back of the bench she was still sitting on about an hour later. Nikki had been drilling Maggie on her relationship with Justin before lecturing her about it. The conclusion she'd come to about Maggie and Justin was that they obviously had feelings for each other, but Maggie was too scared to admit them to Justin or even herself. Now Nikki just had to figure out why she was so scared, and unfortunately, that would be the hardest part of all.

"Well Nik, as fascinating as this conversation has been, we've been talking, actually, you've been talking for over an hour now, and I'll be sending you my million dollar cell phone bill when I get it," Maggie replied. Nikki laughed a little at her. "Go talk to Justin, if I know anything about that boy, he's probably been pouting the entire day. You don't have to bring up last night, just talk to him normally, just show him that you don't hate him or anything," Nikki replied. Maggie thought she was actually making sense for the first time that day. "Yeah I guess you're right, I should head back," Maggie replied.


Justin emerged from the bathroom freshly-shaven, wearing jeans and a sweatshirt, and now he just had to find something to keep his mind off Maggie. The room had become a total disaster area since they got back from L.A. so he decided to clean up a little. As boring as that was, he just hoped it would work.


A few minutes after Justin started straightening up he heard Maggie open the door and walk in. Maggie had thought alot during her walk home from the park. She realized that even though she would be uncomfortable around Justin at first, she couldn't let it get to her. They still had an album to finish recording, and she still had to be his producer, and most importantly, she had to be his friend.

"Hey Justin," she said quietly, setting her purse down on the dresser. "Hey," he replied, not turning around to look at her. "About this morning, I'm sorry about running out like that. I guess everything was hitting me at once and I couldn't handle it. But I'm okay now," she said, hoping he was listening. "Can we still be friends?" she whispered, almost in tears again.

Justin's heart broke as he heard her ask that. Of all the things she could've asked him, she asked him if they could be friends. "Of course Mags, we'll always be friends," Justin replied, finally turning around to look at her, trying to hide the look of sadness on his face. Maggie smiled to him before walking over to him and giving him a tight hug. "How about I order us some pizza for dinner?" she offered. Justin nodded in approval before turning back to the clothes he was picking up off the floor. He couldn't let her know the way his heart was breaking right then.

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