Chapter 32

"So everything's okay now?" JC asked Justin on the phone. Justin had called him and told him about everything that had happened the night before with Maggie. JC was pretty shocked by everything, but he had been thinking that it would only be a matter of time before something happened between the two of them. "Yeah, I guess so," Justin sighed sadly. "Why don't you sound so sure about that?" JC asked concerned.

"Well, I mean I tell her that everything's okay and I act like I'm fine with us being friends..but, well...I guess I want us to be more," Justin replied, whispering the last part of his sentence. JC was relieved that Justin was finally realizing his feelings for Maggie. He'd always known they were there, but now he was finally starting to see them and maybe do something about them.

"So tell her how you feel," JC offered. "I can't do that, she's so dead-set on us being friends..I'd just be shot down and then things would be even more awkward between us," Justin replied. "Well you're going to have to tell her sometime, you can't just let this fester inside of you forever," JC replied. "I know..we're almost done recording the album, just a few more weeks..maybe I'll tell her before we leave London. Then if she does turn me down, at least I won't have to be seeing her everyday," Justin reasoned. "She won't turn you down, Justin," JC replied softly. "What makes you think that?"

"Justin, you and Maggie have something special..almost magical. It was apparant when you first dated four years ago. The way you two connected in only a month was amazing, I'd never seen anything like it before. Then somehow you let her go. I wanted to scream at you not to let her out of your life, but it was your decision. Then four years later, the way you just appear practically out of nowhere into each others' lives again, how can you tell me that isn't special?" JC asked.

"I guess it's special," Justin pouted. "I know Maggie has feelings for you. Geez, have you seen that video she did with you? She wasn't acting Justin, those were her true feelings showing. I know she has to really love you, she's just too scared to let those feelings show again. I don't know why, maybe it's because she lost you last time and she doesn't want to lose you again. But I'm positive she feels the same way for you. Just give her some time to realize it," JC concluded. "I guess maybe you're right," Justin said quietly. "You know I'm right," JC replied.

"I'll just give her some time. As hard as it will be and as much as it will hurt, it's the least I can do for her. I'd hate to make her get into a relationship she wasn't really ready for," Justin said thinking out loud. "Now you're starting to see it all...finally," JC said with a small laugh. "Alright, that's the game plan, thanks for all the help," Justin replied before hanging up.

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