Chapter 33

"Yeah, I know, I can't believe there's only a couple more weeks of recording left either," Maggie replied as she talked to Nikki on her cell phone. "It seems like you just left yesterday," Nikki replied. "I know, it has gone pretty fast," Maggie replied, sitting down on the bed and thinking about the day she arrived in London with Justin. "So how are things going with Justin?" Nikki asked.

"What do you mean? Things are fine, his album is going to be amazing, Nik, I think it's going to do great," Maggie replied. "No Maggie, you know that's not what I'm talking about...I mean, how are things going with Justin?" Nikki asked again. "Nik, there is nothing to be going with me and Justin, we're just friends, how many times do I have to explain this all to you?" Maggie asked angrily. "Maggie, there is something going on, I know it, Justin probably knows it, why don't you know it?" Nikki asked. "I'm not gonna listen to this anymore, Nik, goodbye," Maggie said before Nikki stopped her quickly. "Okay, I'm sorry Mags, I hate to bother you so much about it, but I just want you to be happy," Nikki apologized. "Okay, no more talk of it," Maggie instructed. "Okay, no more," Nikki agreed.

"Alright, I'm gonna change the subject," Maggie started, "I need to get Justin a present for when we get done with the album, you know, just kind of a thank you present, what do you think I should get him?" "Wow, he has everything he could ever want...except you...okay sorry sorry, I'm stopping...hmmm, I have no idea," Nikki replied. "Yeah, what do you get the boy who has everything?" Maggie asked.

Just then Maggie heard Justin unlocking the door. "Hey he's coming, so I gotta go, I'll talk to ya later," Maggie replied. "Okay, good luck with the present, bye," Nikki replied hanging up.

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