Chapter 34

"Can you believe we only have two more weeks here?" Maggie asked as she looked out on the London skyline at night. She and Justin were sitting on the roof of their hotel looking up at the stars. Maggie had finally thought of the perfect present for Justin and in order to give it to him they had to go to the roof of the hotel at night.

"Yeah, it seems like we just got here yesterday. I can't believe my album's almost done," Justin replied staring out at the same view as Maggie. "It's amazing Justin, it's truly amazing," Maggie replied looking up at him. "What's amazing?" he asked, becoming lost in the way her bright green eyes were shining up at him in the moonlight. She giggled lightly at him, "Your album," she replied. "Oh yeah, my album," he said snapping back to reality.

"So why did we have to come up here, anyway?" Justin asked. "I've got something for you," Maggie replied quietly. Justin's eyes lit up, "A present? I love presents!" he exclaimed, making Maggie laugh at him. "Now come on Mr. Timberlake, how old are we?" Maggie asked. "Come on Mags, where's my present?" he whined, sounding like a five year old.

Maggie walked out closer to the edge of the roof and gripped onto the railing that ran all the way around it. "Justin, when I thought about getting you a present to celebrate finishing the album, I couldn't think of anything to get you. As Nikki and I put it, what do you get the boy who already has everything?" Maggie said, speaking out into the night sky. "Everything but you," Justin mumbled, but Maggie didn't hear him.

"I tried to think of material things you didn't have that you might want, but I knew that wouldn't be as meaningful as what I finally thought of," Maggie said, pushing a curl that had blown onto her face behind her ear. Justin stood there next to her, his heart beating faster with every word she said. He was just hoping, praying, that the one thing she wanted to give him was her love. Maggie was oblivious to all this as she kept her eyes on the sky, afraid she'd lose it if she looked at Justin right then.

"What did you finally decide on?" Justin asked, his voice coming out a little shaky, as he grabbed onto the railing next to her. "Remember when we were dating four years ago, and we always looked at the stars together?" Maggie asked, finally turning to face Justin. He nodded slowly in reply. She smiled softly as she remembered her times with Justin. "Well ever since then, whenever I look at the stars, I think of you," she said looking back up at the stars. She was thankful it was a perfect, clear night and it seemed like all the stars in the solar system were visible from where they were standing.

Justin was wondering what she was trying to get at, she wasn't making much sense to him. "Yeah I've liked the stars alot more since then too," he replied. "So I wanted to give you something unique, and something special, that not just anyone would get you. I got you a star," Maggie said with a nervous smile, hoping he wouldn't hate the gift. "My own star?" Justin asked confused, looking up at the sky. "Yeah, there's this thing where you can get your own star, the money goes to research on the solar system, and you'll get a certificate, but it isn't in yet. I just wanted to tell you tonight because the sky was so perfect," she replied.

Justin looked down to her with tears in his eyes. This was the most special gift anyone had ever given him. "Mags, I don't know what to say," he whispered. "Tell me you like it," she said with a small giggle. "I love it, it's the best present I could ever get," he replied taking her into his arms and hugging her tightly. He stood there holding her for a minute, not wanting to let her go. She just felt so right in his arms, she always had. Maggie didn't want to let go right then either, so she leaned her head on his shoulder lightly and breathed in the scent of his cologne on his shirt.

The pair stood there holding each other and swaying back and forth slowly for what seemed like forever. Justin thought about telling her how he felt. They were only in London for a couple more weeks, and he had no idea if he'd ever see her again after they left. He also didn't know if he'd get up the courage to do it any other time. Maggie could hear Justin's heart start to beat faster so she lifted her head to see if he was okay.


Maggie's bright green eyes met Justin's and the look he was giving her was almost too much for her to handle. "Maggie, I.." Justin started before trailing off nervously. "Yes?" Maggie asked, urging him to continue. He swallowed hard and took a deep breath before continuing. "Maggie, I have to tell you something. I've been trying to hold it in and ignore it, but I can't anymore. Maggie, I love you," Justin whispered looking her straight in the eyes. A single tear fell down Maggie's cheek as she smiled softly at him. "I've loved you since the second I first saw you four years ago. I never stopped loving you, I don't think I ever will. I know you don't have the same feelings for me, but I couldn't go forever without telling you-" Justin said before Maggie silenced him with a finger on his lips.

She leaned up and placed a soft, delicate kiss on his lips and let hers linger there for a second before pulling away. All of Maggie's feelings for Justin started rushing at her right then and she couldn't hold them in any longer. "I love you too, Justin," she whispered back, more tears falling down her cheeks slowly. "I think deep down I always knew I still loved you, but I was too scared to admit it to myself. I was afraid I'd lose you again, but now I know I won't. I just now realized it, but I do love you Justin," Maggie said.

Justin stared down at Maggie shocked. He eventually smiled down to her and leaned his forehead against hers. "So what's this mean?" he asked, closing his eyes. "I think it means we're in love," she whispered placing another soft kiss on his lips.

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