Chapter 35

The next morning Maggie woke up in Justin's arms again and almost panicked until the events from the previous night replayed in her head. She smiled as she remembered sitting on the roof with Justin as they finally confessed their love for each other.

She snuggled further into his arms resting her head on his chest and listened to his heart beating. The soft rhythm of his heart soon lulled her back to sleep right before Justin woke up to find her in his arms. He smiled down to her and placed a soft kiss on the top of her head. He watched her sleep for what seemed like forever and thanked God that he had her back in his life again. Sure she'd techincally been back in his life for a few months now, but it wasn't the way he wanted her in it.

Justin laid there watching Maggie sleep and thought about everything they'd been through together. He thought about every single one of the dates they'd had when they were together four years ago, to the way he felt when he saw her again, to every emotion he'd felt the night before when she told him she loved him. 'I'm not letting her go this time, this time we'll really be together forever,' he thought to himself.


A little while later Maggie woke up again to find Justin staring down at her. "Morning," he said with a grin. "Morning," she mumbled sleepily, pushing some curls out of her face. "Now come on Mags, we've got the whole day off, you're not gonna sleep through it, are you?" Justin asked with another smile. "Yes," she mumbled burying her head against his chest. "At least I'll be with you," she said looking up at him a minute later with a shy smile. That was the best thing Justin had heard in awhile. "I'll get you up," he said slyly, rolling over on top of her and tickling her all over.

"Okay..Justin..I'm up, I'm up!!" Maggie squealed from underneath him. Justin finally stopped tickling but remained laying on top of her. He smiled down to her and planted a soft kiss on her lips. "I love you," he whispered. She smiled up at him shyly, "I love you too," she whispered back.


Maggie came out of the bathroom from taking her shower later to find Justin on the balcony, sitting on a chair with his legs propped up on the railing. He had his back to her but he seemed to be writing something. Whatever it was must have been important because it seemed like he was writing a million miles an hour.

"Hey, whatcha doing?" Maggie asked coming up behind him and running her fingers through his curls. Justin quickly closed the notebook he'd been writing on. "Nothing, just some lyrics," he replied quickly. "Can I see?" Maggie asked walking around in front of him and sitting on his lap, trying to get at his notebook. "No, it's going to be a surprise," he said pulling the notebook away from her.

"Come on Justin, please?!" she whined reaching for the notebook again. "No, it's a surprise just for you, you'll like it, I promise," Justin answered. "For me? When do I get it?" she asked happily. "Whenever I finish it, which I can't do with you here," he answered playfully. "Are you asking me to leave?" she asked with a sad face. "Of course not...well..I guess I am, but just for a little while, then I'll come back in," he answered, kissing the tip of her nose softly.

"Ok, just hurry," she said standing up. "Okay, I'll hurry, but we have our whole lives to spend together, we have plenty of time," Justin answered with a smile, leaning up and placing a soft kiss on her lips.

'Our whole lives to spend together,' Maggie smiled at the thought as she walked back into the room.

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