Chapter 36

"Justin, why can't I hear my song yet?" Maggie whined to Justin as he walked her out of the studio to hail her a cab. "I told you I want it to be a surprise, so you can't be in the studio when I'm recording it. I want to write it and produce it all myself, so it will totally be a surprise for you," Justin explained as a cab pulled up next to them. "I'll be back at the hotel in a few hours," he said kissing her quickly. "Fine, bye," Maggie pouted, getting into the cab.


"Justin, this song is amazing, it could be the song that makes you a legend," Mr.Stevens said as he read over Justin's lyrics he'd written. "Really?" Justin asked hopefully. "Yes, the feeling you put into it is more than I've ever seen anyone put into a song," he replied. "Well it was inspired by Maggie," Justin said with a blush. "You guys are perfect for each other. How about we start recording this song?" Mr.Stevens replied.


"Oh, so I finally get to hear my song?" Maggie asked Justin a few nights later. Justin's album was completely finished and they would be going back to America the next day. Justin was going to be traveling the country promoting his much-anticipated solo debut and Maggie was getting some vacation time, so she was going to go with him.

"Yes you get to hear it, but I want to go to the studio so I can sing it to you there," Justin replied finishing packing his last suitcase. "Justin I don't care where you sing it, I just want to hear it!" Maggie exclaimed becoming impatient. Justin had been so mysterious about this song and about everything the past few days and it was beginning to drive Maggie crazy.

"Maggie, this is really special and important to me," Justin said seriously as he began to back her up against a wall. Soon he had her pinned to the wall and his face was only inches from hers. Maggie stared into his eyes that were staring hard into hers, like he was trying to see inside of her head. "O..Okay, if it's that important," Maggie managed to whisper before Justin leaned forward and started kissing her neck softly. A soft moan escaped her lips before she pushed him away gently. "I thought we were going to the studio so I can hear my song," Maggie said with a smile. "Alright, let's go," Justin sighed, knowing she wouldn't give up until she got her way.


"I think I actually might miss this place," Maggie said as she opened the door to the recording booth at the studio. She thought about the countless hours she had spent there with Justin working on his album. She also thought about how this was really the place she'd fallen in love with him all over again. He put so much passion and love into his music that it was hard not to fall in love with him when he opened his mouth and sang words that were close to his heart.

Maggie stood against the window staring at Justin with an expectant look on her face. "So was there any certain reason you wanted to come down here tonight Mags?" Justin asked playfully. "Justin," she whined in the same tone she always did. "What?" he asked. "I wanna hear my song," she replied walking up to him. "Please?" she asked sticking her lip out and giving him a sad face. "How can I resist that face?" he asked giving her a quick kiss. "You can't," she said with a giggle.


"Okay Maggie, before I sing this song I just want to explain what I was feeling when I wrote it. It was the morning after you told me you loved me. When I heard you say those words it was probably the most amazing moment of my life. I had been dreaming for months, years, about what it would sound like to hear you say those words again," Justin said softly, wiping away a tear that had fallen down Maggie's cheek. "And to hear you say them, and to know you wanted to be with me, I couldn't have ever been happier. I tried to think of anything I could give you to show you how much that meant to me or how much you mean to me, but the only thing I could think of was a song. So I started writing this song and I got kind of carried away, and I just hope you like what I came up with. So this is all for you," Justin finished his explanation with a soft kiss on Maggie's hand.

A few more tears fell down Maggie's cheek as she watched him walk into the control room and flip a few switches. Justin walked back into the recording booth and softly wiped the tears off Maggie's cheeks again. He sat down on the stool in front of the microphone and looked Maggie in the eye before starting his song for her.


Lying beside you, here in the dark
Feeling your heartbeat with mine
Softly you whisper, you're so sincere
How could our love be so blind

We sailed on together
We drifted apart
And here you are by my side

So now I come to you, with open arms
Nothing to hide, believe what I say
So here I am, with open arms
Hoping you'll see what your love means to me
Open arms...

Living without you, living alone
This empty house seems so cold
Wanting to hold you, wanting you near
How much I wanted you home

But now that you've come back
Turned night into day
I need you to stay

So now I come to you, with open arms
Nothing to hide, believe what I say
So here I am, with open arms
Hoping you'll see what your love means to me...
Open arms

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Open Arms*~*Mariah Carey*~*~*~*~*

Maggie stood there in shock as tears flowed down her cheeks. It was the most beautiful song she'd ever heard, and it was all for her. "Well, what did you think?" Justin asked getting up and standing in front of her. " was beautiful, Justin," she managed to get out. "That was all for me?" she asked. Justin grinned shyly and nodded. "Thank you," she whispered, placing a soft kiss on his lips. "You're welcome," he replied.

"You know what I just realized?" Justin asked slipping his arms around Maggie's waist a few minutes later once she had totally calmed down. "What's that?" she asked resting her head on his chest. "These past few months all I've done is sing my heart out for you for this cd, and I've never even heard you sing," he said with a smile. Maggie raised her head and looked at him with a horrified look on her face. "I don't sing, Justin," she said. "Come on Mags, please? Just for fun," he said playfully, pulling her closer to the microphone.

"Justin, no, please," she begged, trying to get out of his embrace. "Magsy, please?!" he asked once again. "I'll go in here and pretend like I'm you, like the big producer person, and you can sit in here and sing, like me," he reasoned, letting go of her and heading for the control room.

Soon Justin was in the control room playing with some switches when he turned on the speaker into the recording booth. "Come on Maggie, we're just playing pretend, just sit on the stool, you don't have to sing if you don't want to," Justin urged her. Maggie gave him a funny look and wondered why he was pushing this so much. "Fine," she sighed, sitting on the stool and slipping on the headphones. She looked down to her hands nervously, hoping Justin wouldn't really make her sing.

"Mags you gotta look at the microphone," he said loudly, hoping she would get the hint. "Why?" she asked looking up at him, only to receive a frustrated look back from him. "Fine," she sighed again, raising her gaze to the big microphone hanging from the ceiling. She gasped when she saw what was on it. Taped to the microphone was a small ring with a big diamond on it. She looked up to Justin with wide eyes, then back down to the ring.

Justin had made his way back into the recording booth and was standing at her side. Maggie was still in shock when Justin took the ring off the microphone then took her hand and pulled her off the stool gently. He knelt down in front of her and took her shaking left hand in his slowly. More tears started to fall down her cheeks slowly as she watched every single one of his movements.

"Mags, I know this might seem too soon to do this, but I don't want to wait any longer. You are the only person I've ever loved, and you'll be the only person I ever will love. Ever since I've been blessed enough to have you back in my life again, I can't imagine it without you in it. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Maggie, will you marry me?" Justin asked softly, placing the ring on her finger slowly with a few tears falling down his cheeks.

Maggie smiled softly and wiped a few tears away with her other hand. "Yes, I will marry you Justin," she whispered. Justin grinned and stood up quickly, taking her in his arms and giving her the most passionate, loving kiss she'd ever received.

"I love you," Justin replied placing another kiss on Maggie's lips. "I love you too," she replied. "And this time I'm not letting you go," he said with a smile before kissing her again.

*****The End*****

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