Chapter 4

Maggie sighed as she looked into the half-empty box sitting in front of her. She was sitting in her bedroom in her apartment, attempting to pack for the trip to London. Attempting was the key word, as she wasn't getting a whole lot accomplished. "Maggie, how the heck are you ever gonna go on this trip if you can't even get yourself to pack for it?" she sighed to herself. She decided to give up on it for the night and get some much-needed sleep. While she walked to her bed she stopped and looked out the window. She glanced up at all the stars shining down brightly. Whenever she looked at the stars they always reminded her of Justin. She shook her head at the thought of him and made her way to bed.


Justin was having the same exact problem as Maggie. He was so worried about actually going on the trip and being alone with Maggie for three months, that he couldn't bring himself to pack for it. He sighed as he threw a pair of jeans into a suitcase. "Come on Justin, you're a big boy now, you can do this, just focus on the music," he said to himself shaking his head. But no matter how hard he tried, thoughts of Maggie kept filling his head.


"So you're leaving me for three whole months?" Nikki whined the night before Maggie left for London. They sat in a small coffee shop downtown and looked out the windows at people passing by. "Yeah, I'm sorry Nik, but I think you'll manage okay without me. And you know I'll call you everyday to see what's up," Maggie said trying to make her feel better.

"So are you nervous?" Nikki asked, even though she already knew the answer. She'd never seen Maggie so nervous in her life. She sat at the table chewing on her nails, which she never did, and had the most confused, scared look on her face. "Nikki, what am I gonna do?!" she exclaimed. Nikki gave her a comforting look, trying to ease her nerves a little. "You're going to go to London and help make that boy the best cd ever, just like you told me you're going to do," Nikki replied. "Yeah, but I don't know if I can handle it...him..I don't know if I can be around him that long," Maggie managed to stutter out.

Nikki looked at her confused, nervous, scared friend and tried to think of anything to say that would help her right then, but she couldn't think of anything. "Mags, I know it's gonna be hard, but try not to let your personal feelings towards him and your past with him interfere with being his producer. As long as you do that, and you follow your heart, you'll be fine," Nikki said patting Maggie's hand. "The problem is my heart doesn't even know what to do anymore," Maggie said sadly.

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