Chapter 5

Maggie sat in a chair in the airport waiting for Justin to arrive. He hadn't changed a bit, the boy still couldn't be on time if his life depended on it. She looked up from playing with the buttons on her shirt to see him running towards her with about ten suitcases in his arms. She had to laugh at the sight of him, it was pretty amusing.

He finally made his way to her, and by this time he was completely out of breath from running all the way across the airport. "I..I..I..thought...I was...gonna...miss..the flight," he managed to huff out between breaths. "Well, ya made it," Maggie replied with a giggle. "Are you gonna stand there and laugh at me or are you gonna help me check my bags?" he asked irritated. She giggled at him again. "I don't know, watching you struggle with them was pretty amusing," she replied as they walked to the baggage check-in desk. He stopped and rolled his eyes at her. "Fine," she said grabbing a few bags from him.


A few minutes later Justin and Maggie were finally in their seats on the plane, waiting for take-off. It was still early in the morning, and Justin had been up all night packing. He sighed softly as his eyes closed slowly and he drifted into a deep sleep. Maggie glanced over at him and couldn't help staring at him. He was still the most beautiful person, inside and outside, that she'd ever met.

Her mind was suddenly full of memories of her time with Justin four years earlier. She smiled as she thought of how she met him, and all the incredible times they had together. A single tear fell down her cheek as she remembered everything. "Quit living in the past, Maggie. Your relationship is just strictly business now, there's no point in falling for him all over again," she scolded herself as she wiped her eyes and looked out the window.


A small smile formed on Justin's lips because of the dream he was having. It was more of a flashback than a dream. He was remembering the time when he took Maggie out to the really nice, expensive restaurant, and when they went to the dock afterwards. He remembered how he held her in his arms and sang to her, and promised her they'd always be together. His arms tingled at the thought of having them around Maggie once again. Suddenly he opened his eyes and came to the harsh reality that he was dreaming, and he really wasn't holding Maggie in his arms.

He glanced to the seat next to him where Maggie was sleeping peacefully. He smiled softly at her and reached over to brush a few stray curls off of her face. He couldn't help but think how easy it would be to just kiss her right there, and she wouldn't even know it. He shook his head at the thought. "Don't even think about it, Timberlake."


After a six hour flight, the plane finally landed in London, England. It was about eight o'clock at night their time, and Maggie loved looking out the window at all the lights of the city. She'd never been to London before, so she was especially excited about the trip. "Looks like we're here," she said turning to Justin. "Yeah," he said distantly. "You okay?" she asked. "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine, I'm just a little nervous, that's all," he replied looking away from her worried stare.

When they made their way off the plane, they couldn't believe the crowd that was waiting outside for Justin. There were little girls, older women, but it was mostly girls around his age, in their early twenties. A big black bodyguard grabbed Justin's arm and pulled him away from the crowds. "They're all here for me?" he asked amazed, turning around to look at Maggie. "Not a scene you're very familiar with anymore, huh?" she asked. He shook his head, still looking out into the sea of fans in amazement.

"Well you'd better get used to it, it looks like everyone's anxiously awaiting your comeback to the music world," she said patting his shoulder with a smile. He looked back to Maggie and swallowed hard. She could see all the fear and nervousness in his eyes. He finally found his voice again, and when he spoke, it was barely above a whisper. He sounded like a scared little boy. "Mags, they may be ready for me, but what if I'm not ready for them?"

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