Chapter 6

"Justin, are you sure you're okay?" Maggie asked him for the tenth time since they'd gotten out of the airport and into the limo. "Yes Maggie, I'm fine. I think I was just jet-lagged back there, and all the fans surprised me. That's it, I'm completely fine," he said confidently. But Maggie knew better. She knew him better than he thought she did. She could tell he was trying to be strong, and that he was putting on a mask of confidence to show her he wasn't scared, but she could tell just how worried he really was. She finally gave up, not wanting to make him upset.

"Well here we are at your hotel," the limo driver said as he pulled up in front of a huge hotel. Maggie couldn't believe how beautiful it was. It looked like it was about a million years old. The bodyguard, Dave, got out first to make sure it was safe. But luckily, none of the fans had found out where they were staying, so it was all clear. He motioned that it was okay, and Maggie and Justin stepped outside. Dave escorted them into the hotel and to the front desk.

"Explain to me again why we're staying in a hotel for three months, and why Mr.Jacobs isn't just renting us an apartment or something?" Justin asked as they walked. "I'm just as confused as you are. Maybe they cut a deal with the hotel so it's cheaper, I don't know," Maggie replied.

"Hi, we're supposed to have some rooms here, they should be under Mr.David Jacobs," Maggie said professionally when they got to the front desk. The receptionist smiled and punched some things into her computer. A confused look came over her face. "Well, I have some reservations here for a Mr.Jacobs from Orlando, Florida," she replied. "Yeah, that's him," Maggie instructed. "But this reservation is only for one single room," the lady replied, looking up to Justin and Maggie. "One single room? There must be a mistake somewhere. Are you sure?" Maggie asked, becoming a bit worried.

"Yes, for a Mr.David Jacobs, one single room with one double bed, and you'll be staying with us for three months, right?" "Yes, for three months, but there must be another room reserved somewhere," Maggie pleaded with the woman. "I'm sorry, m'am, we're all booked, there are no other free rooms." "Well can we get one of the rooms when it becomes available?" Maggie asked. That seemed like a logical option. Maggie didn't want to admit how uncomfortable she would be sharing a room with Justin. The receptionist laughed lightly. "I'm sorry m'am, but you must not know our reputation. We're one of the most prestigious hotels in London, reservations must be made months in advance, seeing as to when your reservations were made, I'm sure Mr.Jacobs had alot of trouble just getting the single room."

Maggie sighed loudly. Already, the woman's English accent was getting on her nerves, and she felt like she was about a second away from strangling the lady. Justin sensed Maggie's anger and jumped in before she did something she'd probably regret. "The one single room will be fine, thanks," Justin replied with a smile, putting an arm around Maggie's shoulder to try and calm her down. What he didn't know was that putting his arm around her would only work her up even more. Maggie swallowed hard as she felt Justin's strong arm draped carelessly around her shoulders. The receptionist handed Justin the room keys and told him the room number, but Maggie couldn't make sense of any of it. Her whole world was blurry as Justin led her to the elevators with his arm still around her.

"Don't worry, Mags, I'm sure Mr.Jacobs can work something out if we call him and tell him about the situation," Justin whispered into Maggie's ear once they got in the elevator. She bit her bottom lip to keep herself from going nuts, and she turned to him and nodded slowly. He smiled down to her and tightened his arm around her, almost as if he was hugging her sideways. "Oh God, please give me some strenth right now!" she silently prayed in her head.

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