Chapter 7

Maggie sighed loudly in frustration as she paced back and forth in the hotel room. She rubbed her forehead, as she had recently developed a huge headache. "But Mr.Jacobs, why can't we just go to another hotel?" she whined into her cell phone. "Maggie, I told you, I know the owner of that hotel and he cut me a huge deal, I couldn't pass it up," Mr.Jacobs replied. "But what if this living arrangement isn't in the best interest of your employees, namely your star singer?" Maggie asked. Mr.Jacobs sighed into the phone. "Maggie, you're staying there. You and Justin are grown adults, I think you can handle sharing a room together for awhile," he said angrily into the phone. He obviously wasn't aware of her and Justin's past together. "Okay, thanks anyway," she sighed, hanging up.

"No luck?" Justin asked as he shoved some jeans into a dresser drawer. "Nope, we're stuck," she said in an annoyed tone. "Come on Mags, I'm not THAT bad, am I?" he asked turning to face her with a sad look on his face. She giggled at him. "Yeah ya are, you're a boy, eewww, you stink, and you hog the bathroom, and you're just plain gross, ewww," she said giggling. "Well so are you," he retorted, running towards her and tackling her on the bed she was standing in front of.

He still remembered all her ticklish spots, so he went straight for her neck, her sides, and her feet. He loved hearing her giggle. It was the cutest, most child-like, and most comforting noise he'd ever heard. Out of everything that was stressing him out right now, her laughing was the only that would make him feel better. "Justin..I..I..I...can't...breathe," she struggled to get out between laughs. "Take it back, tell me I don't stink," he said still tickling her. "Okay, Justin, you don't stink!" she yelled back. "Alright," he said stopping his fingers from tickling her sides, but his hands remained there.

Maggie still lay on the bed, her chest heaving up and down as she tried to catch her breath. She was trying to calm down from laughing so much, but then she realized that Justin was still hovering over her, and his hands still rested on her sides for support. "Sorry about that," he said, his voice coming out hoarse. "About what?" she asked, completely lost in the deep stare he was giving her. He smiled softly. "About tickling you," he whispered. "It's okay," she whispered back, allowing her face to tilt up closer to his.

Suddenly there was a harsh knock on the door, breaking Maggie and Justin out of their daze. It startled Justin so much that he lost his balance and fell flat on top of Maggie. A deep "ugh" came out from under Justin. He got up quickly. "I'm so sorry!" he said trying not to laugh. "It's okay!" she said getting up next to him.

Justin opened the door to find three or four fans standing there. They were about 18, and all of them stood there, in shock, just staring at Justin. "Can I help you?" he asked. One of the girls pushed the girl in front of her closer to Justin. "Oh yeah, can you sign this for me?" she asked in a sweet English accent. "Uh, sure," he replied, scribbling his signature for the girls.

He shut the door and turned around to see a smiling Maggie. "Crazy girls," he said laughing and rolling his eyes.

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