Chapter 8

Justin and Maggie were both up early getting ready to go into the studio to begin recording. They'd made it through the first night okay. Maggie was a crazy sleeper, so she'd occasionally throw an arm or leg around Justin, but he'd just move her back to her side of the bed. She laughed at him and didn't believe him when he told her about it in the morning.

They arrived at the studio early, and were introduced to most of the workers there. Maggie could tell Justin was getting nervous again, even though he was acting confident in front of everyone. The two were sitting in a lounge outside the studio they'd be working in when a tall man with a dark beard walked up to them. "Mr. Timberlake, Miss Sutton?" he asked. "Yes?" they answered, looking up. "Hello, I'm Rob Stevens, the songwriter you'll be working with," he introduced himself. Justin and Maggie stood up and shook his hand. "Well, let's get started," he said walking into the recording room.

Justin and Maggie glanced at each other. They could tell he meant business, and they didn't want to let him down. Maggie followed Justin into the recording booth. "Okay, here's the song we're going to work on today," she said handing him some sheet music. "It's uptempo, but in four-four time. We'll play the instrumental version a couple times for you," she replied.

He sat there on the stool, the same scared, nervous look creeping up his face. "Justin, are you okay?" she asked brushing her hand against his. He could feel all the blood rushing from his face. Partly from the nervousness of recording, and partly from the soft touch of Maggie. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, Mags, you know I'm just a little nervous, that's all," he replied with a smile. "Alright," she said, not wanting to badger him. "Good luck," she said patting his hand again and walking over to the control room.


Justin did pretty well for his first day there, despite his nerves. The song was a fast one, about finding the love of your life in once glance, like love at first site. He was about halfway done with the song by the end of the day.

Mr.Stevens and Maggie walked into the recording booth after Justin had finished the second verse. "Very good Justin, now all we need is the bridge and the chorus a couple more times, and we're done with this one. But you need to rest your voice for now," Mr.Stevens replied. "Okay, thanks," Justin replied.


"You did really well today, Justin, I think you're going to impress everyone in the music business all over again," Maggie said as she looked out onto the skyline of London. She and Justin were sitting out on the balcony of their hotel room, just relaxing while they had the chance. "Thanks Mags, it means alot to me to get your approval," he replied looking over to her.

She smiled a shy smile at him. He loved the way the moonlight shone off her face, almost making her glow. He'd been trying to ignore the butterflies forming in his stomach whenever she smiled at him or brushed a hand against his. He felt like he was thirteen again, with his first crush. "So what did you think of the song today? That Mr.Stevens is a genius, huh?" he asked, trying to shake his head of thoughts of Maggie.

Maggie looked away from the beautiful view and looked to Justin. "Yeah, that song was pretty amazing, it would be better if it was slow, but he's the songwriter so I won't mess with it," she replied, looking up to the stars in the dark night sky. "Do you believe in it?" Justin asked, looking over to her. The soft breeze was making the smell of her perfume blow in his direction, and it was quickly intoxicating him.

"Believe in what?" she asked, still looking to the sky. "Love at first sight," he said, scooting his chair closer to hers and looking up to the sky with her. She took a deep breath as she noticed him scoot closer to him. 'God Justin, don't make this harder than it already is,' she pleaded with him in her head.

She sighed as she thought about it. "Yeah, I guess I do. I believe you can meet someone and know instantly that they're the person you're destined to be with forever," she paused. "I think I felt that way with you," she whispered, looking over to him nervously. Justin's breath got caught in his throat as he heard what she said. He could barely get a word out to respond. Once he could finally talk, he replied, "I think I did too." He tilted his head up to Maggie's slowly, not wanting to scare her away.

Maggie realized what he was doing as she closed her eyes slowly. A million voices were screaming at her in her head. Some told her to go for it, and others told her to get away, now. The ones telling her to get away were becoming louder. "You're not ready for this, Maggie, get out now," she heard. Just as she saw Justin close his eyes as his face neared hers, she sat up quickly.

"I..I..I've gotta...I've gotta go take a shower," she stuttered nervously as she hurried to the sliding door to go back into the room. He heard her run into the room and slam the bathroom door shut. "Great Timberlake, what have you done now?!" he screamed at himself in his head.

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