Chapter 9

Maggie ran into the bathroom and slammed the door shut, tears already streaming down her face. She turned the water in the bathtub on as she grabbed her cell phone out of her pocket and frantically dialed a familiar number. "Please Nik, please be home," she pleaded into the phone. Nikki finally answered after the fifth ring. "Nik," Maggie managed to get out in a strained whisper. "Mags, are you okay?" Nikki asked quickly.

"Nik, I can't do this...I can't be here...not with him...I can't do this," Maggie sobbed into the phone as she leaned against the door and slid down to sit on the floor. She curled up into a ball, still sobbing. "Maggie, please tell me what's going on before I fly over to London to find out for myself," Nikki said sternly. Maggie took a few deep breaths to calm herself down. "Wait, before you start, are you in the shower? Why is there water running?" Nikki asked curiously. "I can't let him hear me," Maggie replied, her voice still weak and barely above a whisper.

"Nikki, he's making this so hard for me. I don't know if he's doing it on purpose, or what, but I can't take this. I keep trying to fight him off, I keep trying to deny these feelings..." Maggie said trailing off. "Maggie, something happened, what happened?" Nikki asked in a comforting voice. "He just tried to kiss me. We were out on the balcony, talking about love at first sight, and somehow I said that I fell in love with him at first sight, and then I look up and his face is an inch from mine, and I freaked out. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know if I should kiss him, or walk out, or what," Maggie said, a few more tears falling down her cheeks slowly. "So what did you do?" Nikki asked, urging her to continue.

"I got up and gave him the excuse that I needed to take a shower. My head was screaming at me to get out, and my heart was screaming at me to stay there and kiss him, and to be with him. And now I don't know how I'm going to face him when I have to come out of the bathroom eventually," Maggie explained. "Mags, what did I tell you before you left for London?" Nikki asked. She only heard silence on the other end of the line, so she continued. "I told you to follow your heart. It knows what's best for you, it always does," Nikki said softly. "But what if my head is right, and I'm really just not ready for all this again?" Maggie asked, starting to cry again. "Why don't you talk to him about it? Find out what his feelings on the whole situation are?" "Nik, I can't do that yet, I have to figure out what my feelings on the situation are first," Maggie replied.

"I don't know what to tell ya. Usually I'm the queen of advice, but this whole Justin thing just baffles me. Just remember that whatever decision you come to, I'll support you in it," Nikki replied. "Thanks Nik, I appreciate that. I'll figure something out somehow," Maggie said, rubbing her face out of tiredness. "Get some sleep, you'll feel better in the morning," Nikki advised. "Thanks, I will," Maggie said with a sigh. "Night," Nikki said, hanging up.


Maggie stood up and sighed again as she turned the water off. She turned to look at herself in the mirror. She washed her face quickly, trying to cover up that she'd been crying.

She opened the door slowly and stepped out into the room to retrieve her pajamas. Justin still sat out on the dark balcony with his back to her. He was still sitting in the same chair as he was earlier, with his feet propped up on the rail of the balcony. "Well I'm glad that HE got all worked up over the situation," she thought to herself, noticing his casual attitude.

"Maybe I'm just making too much of this, he was just caught up in the moment, and it got the best of him," Maggie reasoned in her head as she changed into her pajamas in the bathroom. "Yeah, that's it," she convinced herself as she climbed into bed.


Justin heard Maggie run into the bathroom, slam the door shut, and turn the water on. "God Justin, this is just like you, to mess everything all up," he screamed at himself in his head. "What am I gonna do now?!" he wondered as he paced back and forth on the small balcony. "Do I pretend nothing happened? Do I try to talk to her about it?" He was more confused than ever now.

He weighed through the decisions in his head. He knew if he brought it up to her, it would be nothing but uncomfortable, and he had no idea what it would accomplish. He knew there were some kind of feelings going on between them, even though he had no clue what they were. He decided he should just wait. "I don't even know what I was thinking, and I'll just apologize in the morning, we'll both just sleep on it, and it will be okay," he tried to convince himself. He sighed, sat back down in the chair, and waited patiently for Maggie to get out of the bathroom and go to bed. He didn't know if he was ready to face her just yet.


Once Justin heard Maggie come back out of the bathroom for the second time and go to bed, he got up and went back into the room. He closed the balcony door quietly, trying not to disturb her. He turned around to see Maggie peacefully sleeping in bed, her arms and legs thrown everywhere. He had to smile at the sight in front of him. He had to fight the urge to jump onto the bed and kiss her all over. "Just sleep on it Timberlake, just sleep on it," he sighed to himself, heading to the bathroom.

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