~Until We Meet Again~ Prologue

The next few years of Maggie Sutton's life went by quickly. She went to Northwestern for two years, then decided to transfer to Western Illinois so she could major in Music-Business Administration. She didn't know what it was, but she became so interested in the music business. Maybe it was the short time she spent with Justin and the few things he taught her, she didn't know, but all she knew was she loved it.

She decided she liked producing the best, and she just had just gotten a job at a major recording studio in Orlando. She knew there weren't many female producers in the music business, but that made her even more determined to do it, and to do it well.

Nikki and Lance lost touch after a few months, deciding it was too hard to stay together while he was on the road. She went to school, and now she was living in Orlando, working as a songwriter for some of the biggest music acts.

Jen and JC decided when he left that it would be better just to stay friends, and they also lost touch. Jen was now also living in Orlando with her sister and friend, who made up one of the hottest new girl groups in the business. Their first single was already climbing the charts quickly. They were recording their first album for their R & B music album, and Jen also had made her life quite successful so far.

After Justin left, Maggie started school and it actually did get her mind off of him. They called each other a few times, but it was always so awkward, and neither one of them ever had the time to talk. She always wished they would have stayed in touch, and every now and then she wondered what he was up to now.


After *N Sync's third album was a huge success, the guys decided to call it quits while they were on top. The big pop fad was beginning to be replaced by grunge and punk rock again, and they wanted to get out while they still had a good image. They didn't want to end up like every other boyband that was either forgotten or made fun of mercilessly for years. They did leave the charts on top, and they achieved one of their biggest goals: they were well respected by everyone in the music industry.

JC, or Josh as he was now called, became a music producer himself and was preparing to build his own studio in New York. Now 27, he got married a year ago to a girl named Heather, and they were expecting their first child in a few months.

Chris, now 32, became a practicing psychologist in Orlando, and he married his long-time girlfriend Danielle as soon as the group broke up. They had a one year old boy named Trevor, and were expecting a baby girl anytime now.

Joey, the "ladies' man" of the group, now 26, is still single. He started his own chain of successful clubs in the Orlando area, and was happy with the life he had made for himself.

Lance, now 24, married an elementary school teacher named Jennifer, and they were also expecting their first child soon. He founded his own music management company in Orlando, and was the manager of many top music acts.

Now for Justin, the favorite of the group. At 22 years old, he was probably the most unhappy of the guys. The year he met Maggie, he decided to start taking college correspondance classes through the University of North Carolina. Four years later, and two after the group had broken up, he receieved a degree in Music with a minor in Business Administration. And now he had no idea what he wanted to do with his life. All the rest of the guys had known exactly what they wanted to do, and he was still clueless. He knew he still had plenty of time, being the youngest of the group, but he still felt like he was really behind. He had a few girlfriends during his two years he lived in North Carolina, but nothing ever very serious. He knew he still had plenty of time in the girl department too. He was still trying to find the thing that made him truly happy, but he had to admit it was still singing.


Maggie sighed as she looked at the pile of work waiting for her on her desk. Most of them were requests from artists wanting to work with her. She was glad she'd made such a great reputation for herself, but she had to admit this lifestyle was exhausting. But it was what she had always wanted, so she wouldn't complain.

"Hey Maggie, you gonna come meet the new artist that's recording here?" Kris, Maggie's assistant, asked popping her head in the door. Maggie sighed again. "Yeah sure, who is it again?" she asked as they made their way down the hall. "Some old boyband member, he's making a solo album," Kris replied, not knowing much about the artist. "Oh great, an old boyband member, must be sad not having much attention anymore so he's trying to make a glorious comeback, right?" Maggie replied, rolling her eyes. "Come on Mags, it won't be that bad!" Kris laughed.

Then Maggie saw him. The one she'd said goodbye to so long ago. Those four words rang through her head as she strained her eyes to see if it was really him. "Until we meet again," was all she could think.

Chapter 1
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