Chapter 1

"So now even Ashley has a date?!" Becca said in exasperation to her best friend Nikki.

"Yeah, I guess he asked her tonight after football practice," Nikki replied.

"Okay, now I'm the ONLY person in the entire senior class without a date! This sucks," Becca groaned rolling onto her stomach and playing with the phone cord.

"You can still come with me and the big group of girls. We're just gonna go to have fun, just go with us," Nikki urged.

"No, it's my last Homecoming, and I want it to be special. But it doesn't look like that's gonna be happening. Oh well, it's just a dance, right?" Becca asked hopefully.

"Right, and there's still two dances left this year, it's no big deal," Nikki agreed while flipping through a magazine.

"But I still want to go. Oh well. Don't you just wish that Justin could come up and be my date?" Becca laughed glancing at her *N Sync poster above her bed.

"Yeah of course! But he'll have to bring Lance along for me!" Nikki giggled looking at the same poster in her room.

"Oh of course! But I guess I'll just have a date with my boys, watching *N Sync videos all night," Becca said glumly.

"If you say so. The offer to come with us girls is still open," Nikki reminded her.

"Yeah, I know, thanks. But it's late, I gotta be getting to bed," Becca said getting out her pj's.

"Yeah me too, talk to ya later," Nikki replied hanging up.


On the way to the bathroom Becca passed her huge window seat and glanced up at the stars. A single tear fell down her cheek. Dances were a big deal to her. She didn't know why, but they just were. She sat down and stared up at the big sky and the twinkling stars above her that seemed so far away. She sighed. Everything always seemed out of her reach. She remembered how she always used to wish on the stars when she was little. "It's worth a try," she thought to herself.

*~*Starlight, starbright,
First star I see tonight.
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Have the wish I wish tonight.*~*

"I wish that Justin could magically appear and be my date," she whispered, almost laughing to herself. She took one more look up at the stars and went to bed.

She looked up at her Justin poster one more time before going to sleep. "If I ever wanted a wish to come true, it's now," she said as she drifted off to sleep.

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