Chapter 2

Becca awoke to the doorbell ringing the next morning. She glanced at her alarm clock. "Who the heck is here at ten on a Saturday morning?" she groaned rolling out of bed. "This better be good," she grumbled.

She made her way down to the front door and almost passed out when she saw who it was, or at least who she thought it was. She stared at the guy carefully. He had on black dress pants, a baby blue dress shirt and a black leather jacket. He was tall and had a muscular build. His sparkling blue eyes shone down on her and his bright smile lit up the room. The sun glistened down on his perfectly curly light brown hair, making his blonde highlights stand out.

"Hi," she managed to squeak out.

"Hey Becca, I'm Justin," he said smiling brightly and taking her hand into his and shaking it.

"Yeah, um, hi. Nice to meet you." she said nervously. "What are you doing here?" she blurted out, realizing that she was standing in her pink pajamas in front of Justin Timberlake.

"Well, didn't you make a wish last night that I'd come be your date to Homecoming?" he asked confused.

"Well yeah I did. But wishes like that don't come true," she said opening the door wider and letting him inside.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Well I guess this one did," he said simply.

"But this is impossible!" she exclaimed.

"Hey, I don't make the rules, I just follow them," Justin replied.

She wrinkled her eyebrows in confusion. "But the dance is tonight! I don't have a dress or anything," she said shaking her head.

"Well I took care of all of that," Justin replied with a smile. He held up a dress bag and unzipped it. He pulled out a short baby blue dress with silver sparkly butterflies all over it.

Becca's mouth dropped open. "It's beautiful!" she exclaimed.

"It would look perfect on you, I can tell," he said holding the dress up to her.

"Well I'm gonna leave for a little bit, but I'll be back at five to pick you up, you gonna be ready?" he asked.

"Sure," she said quietly, still in shock of all of this.

"Okay, see ya then!" he said flashing his smile at her and walking to his Mercedes.

She closed the door and leaned against it with the dress in her arms. "What's going on here?" she asked out loud.


She ran up to her room to call Nikki. "Nikki!!! Justin Timberlake just showed up at my door to take me to Homecoming!!!" she screamed as soon as Nikki answered.

"What?" she asked.

"Remember how I said I wished Justin would come be my date? Well I made a wish on a star last night, and it came true! Justin was just here, he's coming back to get me tonight!" Becca said, still almost yelling.

"Did he bring Lance?" Nikki asked laughing.

"No, I only saw Justin. Sorry, I guess ya gotta make your own wishes next time!"

"Aww, that sucks. But I guess I'll see you at the dance then!" Nikki said hanging up.

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