Chapter 3

Becca glanced at the clock in the living room. 4:59 it read. She took a deep breath and got up to look at herself in the mirror again. Justin was right, the dress did look perfect on her. It fit her small frame perfectly. She had pulled her light brown hair up with butterfly clips the best she could. A few stray pieces fell down the sides of her face, and down the back of her neck. She found some silver butterfly jewelery from a previous dance, and it matched perfectly. She checked her makeup, making sure everything looked okay. Her bright hazel eyes were glowing. She took another nervous breath as she started pacing. Just then the doorbell rang. She went to answer it with shaking hands.

"This really can't be happening, I'm not really going to Homecoming with Justin Timberlake," she thought to herself.

"Hey ther-Oh my gosh, you look beautiful!" Justin exclaimed when he saw Becca.

She smiled nervously. "You really think it all looks okay?" she asked unsure.

"Yes! It's perfect!" he said grinning.

She bit her bottom lip, how she always did when she was nervous. "Thanks," she said quietly.

Just then her parents rushed into the room. "Just let me take a few pictures, dear," her mom urged.

"Is it okay if we just take a couple?" Becca asked rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, of course!" Justin smiled. He walked in and introduced himself to her parents. "What a gentleman, is he for real?" Becca wondered.

After what seemed like a whole roll of film, Becca's mom was finally done taking pictures. Justin and Becca headed out to Justin's car, where he handed her a rose. "I didn't have time to get you a corsage," he said shyly.

She smiled to him. "That's fine, it's beautiful, thank you," she said kissing his cheek.


"I hope this place is okay for dinner," Justin said opening the car door for Becca and helping her out. He'd taken her to a small Italian restuarant.

"It's perfect," she said smiling at him, her eyes shining.

"So you're a senior, right?" Justin asked once they were seated at their table.

"Yep, only one more year, thank God!" Becca laughed.

"It's not really that bad, is it?" he asked.

She shrugged her shoulders. "I guess not. It just seems like I've been through alot in the past year," she said sadly, looking down at her hands.

"You want to tell me about it?" he asked grabbing her hand.

"It's not that big a deal. Just alot of stuff hit me at once, you know how that is? And I just don't think I'm a strong enough person to handle it all, but I'm trying," she said.

"Well you've always got me," he smiled tenderly at her.

That got a smile out of her. "You know, all the times I was the most depressed, it was your music that helped me the most. Thanks," she said quietly.

"Really? I'm glad I could help."

"So, what are the other guys up to?" Becca asked before they started a two hour conversation over dinner.


Becca was having the best time of her life, and she hadn't even gotten to the dance yet. She'd told him things she hadn't even told her best friend or parents. He was so easy to talk to, and so understanding.

Justin was enjoying himself too. He had no idea what he was doing there, or how he got there, but he was glad he was there. He had a strange feeling that he just belonged there.


"So, off to the dance?" Justin asked, taking Becca's arm in his as they walked out of the restaurant.

"Sure, let's go."

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