Chapter 4

Becca was nervous about going to the dance. "What's everyone gonna think?" she wondered nervously.

Justin sensed her nervousness. "You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I guess I just still can't believe all this is happening," she replied with a smile.

"Well, anything's possible," he said grabbing her hand.

They arrived at the school and Justin grabbed her hand while they walked in. She saw all her friends with their dates and she smiled and waved to them as she walked by with Justin. All their mouths dropped open as they stared and said, "Is that really Justin Timberlake with her?"

Justin met all her friends and they all got along really well. Becca couldn't believe he wasn't being mobbed by everyone. "I guess that goes along with the wish," she assumed.

After a few minutes Nikki came running up to Becca. "So how's it going?" she asked anxiously.

"He's amazing," Becca sighed dreamily.

"Awww, I'm so happy for you! But I want you to get back to him, so call me first thing tomorrow morning and give me details, girl!" Nikki laughed.

"Okay, I will," Becca replied, walking back to Justin.

Awhile later the first slow song came on. She looked to Justin nervously. He smiled at her and pulled her close to him. She smiled as she leaned her head on his chest and breathed in his cologne. Justin set his chin on top of her head and he smiled when he could smell her shampoo. "This can't really be happening," she thought to herself for the millionth time that night.

After the song Becca made her way to the dj and made a special request. A few fast songs later the opening notes of "God Must Have Spent a Little More Time on You" came on. Becca smiled a huge smile at Justin as he gave her a look like, "How dare you?!" but he smiled and took her in his arms anyway.

He softly sang the words to her as they slowly swayed to the music. She closed her eyes and dreamily listened to every note he sang. When the song was over they still stood there in each other's arms. She looked up at him. "You know it's always been my dream to have you sing that to me," she smiled.

"Really? It wasn't always for me to take you to Homecoming?" he joked.

"Actually, no. That just came about last night!" she said.

He laughed and pulled her into a tight hug. "You ready to get out of here?" he asked.

"Yeah, sure," she said.

"I'm gonna take you somewhere special now," he smiled.

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