Chapter 5

"Where are you taking me?" Becca asked annoyed, pulling at the blindfold Justin had put on her.

"Hey, no peeking!" Justin yelled playfully hitting her hands away from her face.

"Okay, fine," Becca agreed.

About five minutes later, the car stopped. "Okay, we're here," Justin said.

"Good," Becca replied reaching for the blindfold.

"No, not yet!" Justin yelled.

He helped her out of the car, and led her somewhere, she had no idea where. "This boy could take me to the South Pole and I would not care," she thought to herself.

"Okay," he said stopping and pulling the blindfold off.

"Oh Justin it's beautiful!" she sighed, taking in the scenery.

He must've known she loved stars, because he took her to the beach, and the night was so clear you could see every star in the galaxy.

She lifted her head and just stared at them. A cool breeze blew by, and she shivered. "Here," he said taking off his jacket and putting it on her.

"Thanks," she said smiling and breathing in his scent on the jacket.

"You know, I have no idea why I'm here, but I figure it must be for a reason. And I also know I don't know you that well, but you're really sweet, and I like you alot," Justin said looking Becca right in the eye and blushing.

This was too much for Becca. "I don't know why you're here either. Maybe it's fate. It's something, I don't know what, but it's special," she said biting her bottom lip.

"It sure is," he said wrapping his arms around her.

Becca could feel him breathing down on her and her whole body started shaking with nervousness. She looked up at him slowly and smiled. He smiled back. He leaned down and kissed her softly. It was the best, most wonderful kiss Becca had ever received. It was so light, she could barely tell he even kissed her. But that was the way she'd always wanted a guy to kiss her. It was like he just knew.


"Becca, Becca!!! Would you WAKE UP?!!!" Nikki shook Becca in her bed. She was always hard to wake up, but she was especially hard to wake up this morning.

"What? Where's Justin?" Becca said groggily, rubbing her eyes.

"Justin? Probably somewhere with Britney, I have no idea where he is!" Nikki exclaimed frustrated. "Now come on, you said you'd help me pick out a dress for the dance today!"

"I just had the weirdest dream," Becca said shaking her head.

"Let me guess, Justin showed up at your door and took you to Homecoming?" Nikki laughed.

"Actually, yeah, that's exactly what happened," Becca answered.

Nikki shook her head. "Becca, you need to get a hobby!" she laughed.

Just then the doorbell rang. "Ugh, who else besides you would be here at ten on a Saturday morning?" she grumbled.

"I don't know, maybe it's Justin!" Nikki laughed following Becca downstairs to answer the door as Becca shot her a dirty look.

They made their way to the door and Becca opened it slowly. They took one look at the person standing at the door, then looked at each other.

"JUSTIN?!" they both screamed at the same time.

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