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The Silver Sphere: January 14th, 1994

It was around 5:30 p.m. on January 14th, 1994 that i witnessed the first arial phenomenon incident that i can recall. My brother, our friend and I had been playing soccer in the street in front of home. Then sun had not yet set, but the air had cooled and it was apparent that dusk would be coming soon. We were about to finish the game, when i noticed something in the sky. A small, silver, spherical object that just seemed to be hovering. At first, i dismissed it as an airplane flying to or from our direction. But after a minute or so, i noticed that the object had not gotten any bigger, or any smaller. It just hovered there. I stood, in amazement, at this thing in the sky. I did not know what it was, but something about it had a hypnotic effect. It was the same with my brother and our friend. After a few seconds passed, we began discussing what this could be. A small, round, glowing object hovering in the skies above. Our first theory was a helicopter, but that would soon be dismissed. A minute had passed, when our friend pointed out two smaller, orange, spherical objects approaching the larger, silverish object from the east and west. It was then that the Silver object slowly began drifting west, then without stopping it began to drift to the east. It seemingly floated back to the spot where we first noticed it, and it came to our attention that the two smaller, orange objects had disappeared. They were gone, we did not see where they went, only that they were now gone. The silver object again began to move to the west, and then to the east, but now in a more rapid progression. It then just imploded, disappearing before our very eyes. The whole incident occurred only a few minutes, enough time for us to stare in amazement. By the time any of us had thought to go grab a camera, the objects were gone. All that is left are memories, and the eyewitness accounts of three young men. Since this incident, i have witnessed a few more cases of what i would describe as arial phenomenon. But the sheer excitement that this incident inflicted upon me has caused me to delve deeper into the subject of UFOs and extraterrestrials, hoping to find the truth. Because it is out there, along with whatever we saw that January afternoon.

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