This is Kathleen Hanna's solo act! She
answered some questions for me.
Are you gonna be playing your stuff live?
How will you do this?
Yeah, I'm gonna play some stuff off the Julie record
live w/ the help of my friends, a sampler and some good
luck. We're also writing a bunch of new songs.
What do you think about how there's such a lack of
girls/ladies making rap in "punk rock"? Or even
rap bands at all in punk rock? I think rapping is one of
the most fun things.
In the States it just seems like things are really
segregated. Stereotypes about African American culture
(including Hip Hop) abound and are meant to keep whites
scared when really it's the whites who act scary for the
most part. As a white person I am aware that whiteness
has been presented to me as the norm aka the privilege
attached to it is often "invisible"... White
people tend to feel like their/our culture is at the
center and simultaneously feel like we don't have a
culture... because of this whites try to buy/appropriate
"other" cultures for them/ourselves. This is
completely gross, obviously, and nothing I wanna
perpetuate. The question becomes then, how can we
challenge segregation in a way that isn't destructive
towards people? How can different scenes mix in a way
that is healthy and interesting?
Where did you get all your samples from? Is it fairly
easy to use a sampler?
I just got them off of records I had... I don't wanna say
where exactly cause I don't wanna get sued. Samplers are
super easy to use! You can buy a cheap one (like I have)
for around a hundred bucks. (maybe it's different in NZ
I'm not sure).
Is Julie Ruin a one-off thing or are you gonna keep
making records?
Julie will probably keep putting out solo stuff but she's
also into being in a band that'll probably be called
something better than Julie Ruin, you know?
How long did it take to put all the songs together?
It took me like a year and a half to put the songs
together. It was really fun to do.
Are you involved with Mr. Lady at all? Are you making
any movies? What do you think about making video clips
for songs?
I'm only involved with Mr. Lady cuz my best friend Tammy
is the co-founder/co-owner of it. I did just make a video
for the Julie song AEROBICIDE though, it'll probably be
available thru Kill Rock Stars on the 2nd video
compilation they put out (they're about to put out #1). I
want to do a bunch of videos and maybe put out a full
length thing of my own on Mr. Lady. The one I did w/ my
friend Sadie (for Aerobicide) is very low budget. We made
it with a high 8 video camera.
Julie Ruin
Mr. Lady
Kill Rock