Quote du Jour
I hear great quotes all around me and I love to use them in everyday conversations.....it gives the illusion that I know what I'm talking about. No, really, I just like to listen to people talk.They say the most interesting things, some of which I'm sure they'd like to forget! Anyways, here are some of my favorites, enjoy!
These quotes will change, so you amy want to check back occasionally.
PS..Barb, I get some of my best quotes from you. Those who know her know why I didn't put them down.
You don't say....
- ' Y'know, if we'd have done that right, it would've worked!'-Barb
- ' My life is a buffet of grotesque choices.'- The Brain
- ' Death....it's just not us.'- Spaceballs
- ' Praise God and pass the ammunition!'- US Marine
- 'Men laugh at women because they don't understand them. Women laugh at men because we do.'- Anne
- 'Are you wearing undergarments?'- The King and I
- 'Dante was wrong. Hell is just a state of mind.'- Annonymous
- 'Either way you choose, you cannot win.'- The Phantom of the Opera
- 'Take it from Satan!'- (Once again...) Barb
- ' I bit me a vampire once.....them fellers taste like corn.'- Mad TV
- 'Remeber...Hollywood is run by Jews. So, when you introduce yourself at meetings, it's Spiderman ( Spider mun), Irving Spiderman.-The Daily Show with John Stewart
- 'They have the moon over there, too.'-Craig (Note: When Craig said 'over ther' he was refering to the conitent of Asia.)
- 'Don't think about it. Just accept it.'-Craig (Again...)
- 'So, Space Ghost, you were drawn in America, right?' 'Oh, yeah, of course....uhh... that's part of Korea, right?'-SGC2C
- 'Moooo!'- Maureen from RENT
- 'Piss off!'- Monty Python ( This quote is featured in every single one off the movies, including all of the Flying Circuses.)
- 'RICKSHAW!!!'- Yours Truly....... (:>
- 'One million dollars!'- Dr. Evil (Austin Powers, International Man of Mystery)
- 'What's the matter? Afraid you mught like it?'- Wolverine (The X-Men)
- 'Remember...what we do in life echos in Eternity.'- Maximus (Gladiator)
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