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*Brittany's Page*

(Last update: Oct. 22, 2003) WOOHOO!! You're checking out MY webpage! I'm sure you've figured out my name is Brittany. If ya haven't, ya know now. I'm 20, and I've had type 1 diabetes for 13 yrs. I've been on the insulin pump (minimed 508) for 6. I have grown very close to my mother, and very fond of her. She's the one that brought me closer to God, & I thank her for that. My 24 year old sister, Bridget, is also a major part of my life. Although we have our differences, we'll always be sisters and I'm so proud to say that she's mine, and only mine, hehe. My brother-in-law, Nick, is the best! The two of them had their first son, my nephew :-), Daniel Nicholas. He's absolutely beautiful! Quite a bit has happened in my life. I had my own beautiful (excuse me handsome... according to his father, hehe) little boy in 2002. He's a month and a day younger than his cousin. He was a month early => 8 lbs 2 oz, 17.5 inches. Bradley Allen... he's such a joy!! I started school in Fall of 2003, I want to major in Forensics Psychology. My mom seems to be doing pretty great. She seems really happy with her husband, Johnny, and she seems to be doing really great in college as well as she loves her job. Most importantly, though, I have to mention my best friend for 13 yrs, Brittany (yes, Brittany), b/c she is also extremely important in my life. The pic. below is of us. Well, thank you for visiting my page. Email me and tell me whatcha think! My email addy is at the bottom of the page, of course.


Kickass Websites! (I swear!)

Bradley's Webpage!!
The FUNNIEST Cartoons Ever!
The Best Diabetes Webpage!
Crosswalk-The Intersection of Faith and Life!
Two words => STICK DEATH!
Amy's Diabetes Webpage
Salt7 - A hometown band that I know you'll enjoy
Another homepage for Bradley!
