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"Hitler was the fate of Germany and this fate could not be stayed."
- Field Marshal Walther von Brauchitsch, Commander in Chief of the German Army 1938-41

"Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live."
- Adolf Hitler, Nazi Dictator

"Mankind has grown strong in eternal struggles and it will only perish though eternal peace."
- Adolf Hitler, Nazi Dictator

"Struggle is the father of all things. It is not by the principles of humanity that man lives or is able to preserve himself above the animal world, but solely by means of the most brutal struggle."
- Adolf Hitler, Nazi Dictator

"My motto is, 'Destroy by all and any means. National Socialism will reshape the world."
- Adolf Hitler, Nazi Dictator

"Today we rule Germany, tomorrow, the world".
- Adolf Hitler, Nazi Dictator

"Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future."
- Adolf Hitler, Nazi Dictator

"The acquisition of new soil was to be obtained only in the east."
- Adolf Hitler, Nazi Dictator (Mein Kampf)

"Poland's existence is intolerable, incompatible with the essential conditions of Germany's life . Poland must go and will go... must be one of the fundamental drives of German policy... With the disappearance of Poland will fall one of the strongest pillars of the Versailles Peace, the hegemony of France."
- General von Seeckt (1922)

"I swear by God this sacred oath, that I will render unconditional obedience to Adolf Hitler, the Fuehrer of the German Reich and people, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, and will be ready as a brave soldier to risk my life at any time for this oath."
- German Armed Forces Oath of Loyality

"There will be a class of subject alien races; we need not hesitate to call them slaves."
- Adolf Hitler, Nazi Dictator

"A single blow must destroy the enemy... without regard of losses... a gigantic all-destroying blow."
- Adolf Hitler, Nazi Dictator

"The Berlin-Rome-Tokyo alliance is a world-wide spiritual program of the young peoples of the world. It is defeating the international alliance of convenience of Anglo-Saxon imperialist monopolists and unlimited Bolshevist internationalism. It is showing the world the way to a better future."
- Albrecht Fürst von Urach

"The aim of German policy was to make secure and to preserve the racial community and to enlarge it. It was therefore a question of space [Lebensraum]... the right to a greater living space than other peoples... Germany's future was therefore wholly conditional upon the solving of the need for space."
- Adolf Hitler, Nazi Dictator (1937)

What puffs and patters?
What clicks and clatters?
I know what, O, what fun!
It's a lovely Gatling-gun!
- Excerpt from picturebook for young children

"Close your hearts to pity! Act brutally! Eighty million people must obtain what is their right... The stronger man is right... Be harsh and remorseless! Be steeled against all signs of compassion!... Whoever has pondered over this world order knows that its meaning lies in the success of the best by means of force..."
- Adolf Hitler, Nazi Dictator (1939, speaking to his military chiefs about starting the war)

"Two worlds are in conflict... two philosophies of life... one of these two worlds must break asunder".
- Adolf Hitler, Nazi Dictator

"Do you want total war? If necessary, do you want a war more total and radical than anything that we can even imagine today?"
- Josef Goebbel, Minister of Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda

"We have no intention of rebuilding Poland... Not to be a model state by German standards. Polish intelligentsia must be prevented from establishing itself as a governing class. Low standard of living must be conserved. Cheap slaves... Total disorganization must be created! The Reich will give the Governor General the means to carry out this devilish plan."
- Colonel-General Franz Halder

"Danzig is German, will always remain German, and will sooner or later become part of Germany... no fait accompli would be engineered in Danzig."
- Adolf Hitler, Nazi Dictator (1939)

"Strength lies not in defense but in attack."
- Adolf Hitler
