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Wiccan Magick is based on the four elements...Fire, Air, Water and Earth.
These four Elements correspond to the four directions of our physical world, the four quarters of the universe, the four winds, and most importantly the four quarters of the magical circle. Fire and Air are considered male energies....Water and Earth female. The four Elements are forces and energies that make up the universe and everything in it. They also possess form as well as force. In Wiccan Magick each Element is associated with a color. Modern day Wiccans use the following colors: east - yellow; south - red; west - blue; north - green.


Fire represents passion, enthusiasm, desire and courage, force, lust, fertility and virility, initiative and rejuvenation. It represents both light and heat. The light of intelligence and the courage to follow it. A low fire person is usually cold, slow to act, without enthusiasm for life or himself. A high fire person is bold, dramatic and passionate in all areas within himself, however this person must be careful as fire can destroy everything in it's path. Fire magick can bring on the new, bring on courage and passion and destroy the old.

It's feelings are hot and dry, it's season is Summer and direction is South/Energy. It's symbol is the Athame/Sword, Candle and the Burner; it's colors are Reds, Oranges and Golds. The moon phase is the second quarter and it's time is high Noon.

The different types of Fire Magick are Bonfire Magick, which usually involves burning something such as an herb or flower, or a piece of paper or petition on which you have written your desire. It is used for banishing, ridding or destroying negative influences in your life.

Another is Candle Magick, a simple, easy and useful method in bringing about your desires. A color for the candle is chosen and can also include the correct scent in relation to your desire and lit sometimes for up to seven days. This type of Fire Magick is usually for any type of desire.

Another is Sun Magick. Using the Sun in our desires is a beautiful way in which to enhance new beginnings in love, health, work and home, awaken subtle powers and aid in attraction desires.


Air represents mental activity, thoughts, reason and intellect, memory, knowledge, persuasion, birth and friendship, freedom, clarification and expression. A low Air person seems without any direction and unable to define or visualize any future and can not reason out the alternatives and objectives. A high Air person is at ease in complex situations and can sit and think things through, and can carry through with decisions.

It's feelings are moist heat, it's season is Spring, it's direction is East/Mental, the symbol is the Wand, Athame, or the smoke of the incense. It's colors are White, Lt Blues, Yellows and Green. Moon phase is the first quarter and it's time is Dawn.

Different types of Air Magick include Visualizations. An important tool in any magick work, it makes the events happen. For this type, it is important that all the other factors such as color, time, the moon phase, winds, etc. are all in balance. And to have the other tools working such as incense and candle burning, or even the right tea or wine to drink in the background. This is because you need to "fix" or "ground" the images or ideas you are using in your visualization.

As our thoughts are extremely powerful, as are our Words. Words can be put together in such a way as to form spells, or used in channeling your power. Words give rise to our desires and can be released upon the winds for attainment. Created and repeated with intensity and concentration the spoken word is a powerful magick in itself. You do not have to be an accomplished linguist, just a simple sentence will do. It creates an atmosphere of concentrated awareness and strength. Words can be used in moments of stress and fear, and will create the magick itself. It does not have to be said aloud, say them to yourself if need or want be.

Another Air Magick is Mirror Magick. It can help in overcoming inner problems and also help with difficult personal decisions. It uses both the Word and Visualization forms and can also aid in being able to visualize a future event. Sometimes, used as a Scrying Tool, in which you are able to "see" possible future events.


Ah water, the symbol of our emotions. Water imbibes all life forms and in us we flow with the "tide" of our feelings. It involves intuition, insight, conception and pregnancy, fertility, the womb, health, beauty and divination. A low water person would appear as a cold calculating one, one who is indifferemt and unresponsive. On the other hand, a high water person may seem as though at the slightest touch the well is opened and can be over emotional and over dramatic in all areas of life. A good balance of water here is needed to keep the flow running smoothly.

Its feelings are cold moisture, its season is Fall, direction is West/ Emotion and its colors are Blue, Light Grays, Sea Greens and Whites.The symbols are the cup or chalice. The Moon phase is the Full Moon and its time is Dusk.

Some Water Magick can involve the use of the beach and its sand, shells, animals and seawater. Especially good for love spells and too, when you need to "get a grip" or clarify your own emotions. The use of shells in the practice is widely used. These can hold appropriate herbs or be used as a symbol of Water Magick.

One old tradition is using that of well water. A lot of gems and stones are exposed to this for a period of time and used at night, in full moon or the waxing phases, for Water Magick. Be careful though to know your stones, as some do not react well in water for long periods of time. This type of magick can give you insights to how others think of you, what others are doing and how well they are and to find the truth within yourself. Be careful when using this type also, if there is an intent of maliciousness or control of another, all you will get is a reflection back unto yourself.

Water spells can involve the use of Scrying bowls. This is a bowl of clear or colored water in which you are able to "see" the future and future events or get a clear direction on decisions. Widely used in certain meditations and visualizations.


Finally we come to the Element of Earth. The source and provider of all our needs. Represents sensations, decay, patience, stability, strength, health, warmth and comfort, animals and animal instincts, farming and physical labor.

Its feeling is dry and cold, its season is Winter, its colors are Browns, Blacks, Purples and some Greens. Its symbol is the Pentacle or Rice, Salt or grain in a brass or terra cotta bowl or a Stone. Its Moon phase is the Fourth Quarter and its favored time is Midnight. A high Earth person seems a practical sort and quite "down to earth". A hard worker, stable and a good provider. Can be a little too stubborn sometimes however. A low Earth person can seem confused, insecure and alone, unable to feel wanted and the work may be affected.

Earth Magick can involve the use of herbs and plants. Using the correct herb to attain your desire along with the other tools can be very effective. Burying something and making some offerings to the Earth such as planting trees is a form of Earth Magick. Using your gems or crystals and burying them in the Earth under the appropriate tree while making your wish is also effective.

Another type which is considered Earth Magick is any type of routine magick. Anything you do on a routine basis can be used as a magickal vehicle. While performing something you do at the same time everyday, prepare yourself and use this period for clarity on a subject, figure the best course of action in a situation or to find just where you are in the course of your life.









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