Want Your Page to be Number One

When Someone Enters Keywords on a Search Page

First let me tell you something about how a search works. You enter a few key words such as blueberries, baton rouge, farms. Separate each key word with a comma. The search engine will run through registered pages and many times this includes pages registered with other search engines to find web or home pages that have key words that match the ones you choose. A page may have many many key words included in the hidden html of the file.

Except the html file is not really that invisible. For example, if you click the right mouse button on the word "view" on the very top left side above this page, some other words will appear under it. One of the words will be "source". click it. When you do, the html of the page will appear. You will notice the word head with < >brackets around it. In fact you will notice that word head twice. Some where between the two heads you will find something similar to this 


<META name="description" content="type your description here">
<META name="keywords" content="
type your keywords here">

In fact you can start copying the above meta tags with your right mouse button in front of the arrow on the top left and drag it all the way past the bottom arrow. Then  let go of the right mouse button and click the left button, then the word "copy".

Open up the page you are writing on to the html view and past the meta tag thingie just before the first bracket in the second word head. Now go back and delete the words type your description here and write this page is about dogs, cats, and rabbits. between the "  ". Now do the same thing to the words type your keywords here and type in the words dog,cat,rabbit separated only by commas, no spaces. You have to change the keywords to match the words on your page. Match as many as possible. Try and be unique. Do not use the same words everyone on the net uses. You also have to account for the fact that lots of us cant spell. You have to include misspelled words, like mississippi, and missipi, you should also include things like variations on capitalization's like Mississippi and mississippi.

For example if you type the words image or adult there about a million pages with those keywords on them. As an example, go to www.webcrawler.com and type in these keywords: blueberries,baton rouge, louisiana....... If what I am saying is not a bloody lie, you should end up on a page called storyteller, or redwood creek blueberry farm.

Well this will get you started, there is more. In the old days about 2 years ago many people would keep copying the same key words over and over again, cutting and pasting. Some of the search engines are weeding out people who are copying these consecutive words in the meta tag section. Here is a way to get around this. At least it has worked for me on some pages on some search engines.

At the very bottom of your page in the html view you will see the words body and html. Just before the arrow in front of the body word, past the enter key then copy and paste this.

<meta http-equiv="keywords" content="PUT KEY WORDS HERE">

<meta http-equiv="description" content="PLACE YOUR DESCRIPTION OF YOUR SITE HERE">

Now lets fool them. Delete the words in red just as you did for meta tags and type in dog, cat, rabbit, or all the keywords you used before. In fact now you can copy and paste the same keywords between the "  "  in the keyword content and after the "this page is about....        " make sure you leave the <   > before and after. and keep pasting and pasting dog,cat,mouse,dog,cat,mouse,dog,cat,mouse,dog,cat,mouse, till each word appears about 100 times, but not consecutively. Oh one hint, do not copy the <   > and put a . before the last keyword.

You need someone to confidentially scan some of your photographs for a dollar each image? You are at the right place. Click here.

Give up on writing a web page, need someone to do you a basic web page starting at $20? Click here

Once you get the page totally finished you will need to put it on the Internet so peoples like me can find it. Here are 3 free places to start:

geocities       angelfire   tripod

Gee you are not finished yet. You have to register the pages with the search engines. Click here to do it for free.

Now this last little thingie is supposed to make the search engines come back and reregister your pages on a regular basis. I don't really know if it works but I do it from time to time. Just start copying and pasting from here down. Change it up to fit to your desires, but leave the waving lines in place.

[ KeyTrax...Audio Generator ] [ Angelfire...Free Web Pages ] [ WhoWhere...People Finder ]

--  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I am Butch Cassidy, the bear, the storyteller, and these are the Sundance kids~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ICQ# 57295199...mIRC  name= storyteller For Links to all my Sites http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Delta/5426/index.html... ...I tell stories, show photos, images, pictures, some stories make you laugh and cry, some stories are true and some are just plain make believe. I also play lots of music and post lyrics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This page is about  


photo scan,home,homage, home page, home pages,,photo scan,home,homepage,home page,web page,webpage,page,butch,Butch,

Butch Whitlow,Whitlow,meta,metatags,meta tags,search,search engines,register,

registerit register it,submit,submitt,submitit,submit it,world wide web,www,registration,

home page design,design
