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Smile on my Face

Lord, I am not even worthy
To kiss the Holy Ground around your feet
I am not worthy to even glimpse from afar
The beauty shining from your face

I tremble in awe of all that you are
and wonder can I be like you?
You're all I need
All I ever want to be
But I can't get close to you
You came close to me

I did not choose you, you chose me
I could not kiss the ground
And so you kiss my salt stained cheeks
I cannot stand before you
So just hold me
I want to be near you
So hold me here

I am not afraid of you
You love me, I know you do
You put the smile on my face
You made me sing your praise
I don't have to tremble
For you run to hold me
Arms are open for me
Here, I am safe
Here, tears turn to smiles

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