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~My awards & Gifts V~

I want to say a "Very Special Thank You" to all of you who have honored my site with an award or gift! Each one is accepted and appreciated from the bottom of my heart!

Receieved: Tue, 27 Jun 2000

Thank you Judy for this surprise award of thanks. I don't know if I was truly very helpful, but you are a delightful lady to meet, and it has been fun getting to know you. I treasure this award.

Received July 2, 2002 from Susan Fahncke at

Thank you so very sincerely for this special and coveted award, Susan. When my husband asked me to make the flag graphic, I never expected anything like this, for I never thought of myself as ever "making a difference"....I truly appreciate this award and what it stands for! (I'll "share" it with my Jim, since the flag was his idea. *S*) I'm humbled! Thank you again!

Received July 2, 2002 from Irishbelle (Pat Hall)

What a sweet and special surprise from my long-time web friend Pat!!! In Pat's own words, this is what she told me today: "Somehow when I see roses I always think of you as I know how you love them." I will always cherish this beautiful 3-d rose box, Pat! It's a precious gift.
Link to 3-D Rose Page

Received July 24, 2002 from Lori at Catz 'n Dogz.

I am glad you wrote me, Lori, to request one of my awards. I am honored that you wanted to share one of yours with me. You have a great site and I'm happy to know you and to receive your award in return! Thank you again!


Roses Bars from:
Pat's Graphics

Click on one of the links below to view more of my awards and gifts

|Awards & Gifts Page I|Awards & Gifts Page II|
|Awards & Gifts Page III|Awards & Gifts Page IV|You Are Here|

