MTVixen: Welcome to the MTV Arena for this chat with the cast of Road Rules IV. Welcome Vince, Erika, Kalle, Jake & Oscar!
RR4Oscar: Heylo! I just watched the last episode, I hadn't seen it before.
RR4Jake: Hello.
RR4Erika: Heeeey!
RR4Jake: Hello crowd.
RR4Oscar: I am just so full of emotions now, I don't know.
RR4Kalle: hi!
RR4Oscar: It's like reliving everything again. Oh my God.
RR4Kalle: I miss you, oscar
MTVRock: EVEBABY73 asks: Oscar - what are you're future plans??? Are you going to travel like you want??
RR4Oscar: I'm definitely gonna keep a traveling and hopefully I will pursue my dreams.
RR4Jake: What's up Nino?
RR4Erika: hey oski
RR4Vince: nothin much
RR4Erika: NINO!
RR4Kalle: are you at work, e?
RR4Erika: Vince- how does it feel to be 21?
RR4Vince: did you like THE show??
RR4Oscar: Hey, you've got the cutest blue eyes I've ever seen!
RR4Oscar: I hope you're fine.
RR4Erika: Yes I'm ALWAYS at work
RR4Kalle: Vince, I forgot your bday! sorry
RR4Jake: Happy Birthday Vince!
MTVixen: Another question for the cast....Johnnygjr asks: So what was your favorite activity the whole trip?
RR4Kalle: standing on the wing of a plane at 3000 feet
RR4Erika: I think mine would be the stand up comedy or flying the plane in Key West
RR4Vince: my favorite missions were the stand-up comedy and the raft race
RR4Oscar: Mine was being able to do the trip and meeting the other four awesome people.
RR4Erika: the raft race kicked-assed! It was fun
RR4Erika: Oscar- youare such a sweet heart
MTVRock: ScarfaceA asks: Honestly, did the coals hurt?
RR4Vince: no, the coals did not hurt if you were relaxed\
RR4Jake: My stride was so wide, I only had to step down like once.
RR4Erika: Um...I felt it afterwards. I didn't feel it while I was walking on it. But afterwards, yes
RR4Oscar: It felt like, I don't know, like walking on a warm cloud.
MTVixen: SeattleSn asks: So did you guys decide to go on that all around the world semester trip???
RR4Jake: Whatever is whatever. Everything is everything.
RR4Vince: I'm probably going to do it in a couple years
RR4Erika: I can't. I'm graduating in May. But I am giving it to my little brother.
RR4Oscar: Yah, I'm goping next September. Is anyone going next semester? Let me know.
RR4Kalle: of course! I'm probably going to go next year or the year after
RR4Jake: Someone tell Jason, I saw last week's chat.
RR4Kalle: he's moving here next week
RR4Oscar: How you feeling Erika?
RR4Erika: I'm feeling much better, oski. Thank you. How are you?
MTVRock: QueenieBM asks: Oscar, when Vince and Erika and Jake and Kallee were all getting closer, did you feel singled out of the group? And do the rest of you feel any guilt about it?
RR4Oscar: Thanks for asking.
RR4Erika: Vince-nothing has changed.
RR4Oscar: I have to say that to a point I did, but then again, in a blink of an eye everything was running smooth, thank God.
RR4Erika: Everyone has to visit Vince and I in California
RR4Vince: except for your butt size
RR4Kalle: Oski has a nice butt
RR4Erika: I had problems with Oscar, but I never meant to make him feel like NOT a part of the group
RR4Jake: Kalle tell Jason to give me a call.
RR4Erika: At times I feel we all didn't feel like part of the group
RR4Kalle: I don't have your phone number
RR4Vince: oscar is one of my closest friends now
MTVRock: HotNote1 asks: Jake and Kalley, are you two in a relationship now. If so, do you both think you would be if it were not for Road Rules.
RR4Oscar: Hey Kalle, "rush, rush, rush where's my yeyo" (From the movie Scarface)
RR4Kalle: we are in relationships, but not with each other
RR4Jake: We're both persuing new people now... and hopefully we can be friends.
RR4Vince: I'm dating both Jake and Kalle right now
RR4Kalle: and a horse
RR4Vince: anti-funny
RR4Oscar: Vince, how's your gas?
RR4Kalle: baseeee
RR4Jake: Vince, how's your ass?
RR4Erika: Vince, you're dating your hand and you know it
RR4Vince: bass control is kickin
RR4Jake: I'm dating Vince's hand. I'm falling in love.
RR4Vince: your dating your ring finger
RR4Oscar: Can I be the Best Man?
RR4Jake: I do.
RR4Erika: Man, you know I don't need to
MTVOnstage: BLUIDSMIL: asks: to anyone, how do you feel Road Rules has changed your life?
RR4Vince: opened up many doors for me
RR4Erika: It gave me an awesome experience
RR4Jake: Too many doors are open.
RR4Oscar: I think Road Rules has changed my life in the sense of, just like, expanding my world
RR4Kalle: I have four better friends than I did before, and incredible memories
RR4Oscar: cosmic vision.
RR4Kalle: you're a cosmic girl, oski
RR4Oscar: I'm playing that lead.
MTVixen: StephW655 asks: Erika,what happened between you and Sean from the Real World?
RR4Kalle: tell the truth, Erika
RR4Vince: erica is pregnant with his love child
RR4Erika: We had a nice evening filled with conversation and WAY too many drinks
RR4Oscar: None of your business!
RR4Erika: He's a nice guy
RR4Erika: oooooohhhhhhhh god.
MTVRock: ErDravn asks: Do you guys get reconized on the street? If so do you enjoy it or does it get anoying?
RR4Jake: Not since I shaved my head and got glasses. Less anyway.
RR4Kalle: I do sometimes. everybody's always nice to me.
RR4Vince: I got recognized in Florida alot but not in LA
RR4Erika: I get recognized at school mostly and everyone has been cool so far.
RR4Oscar: I'm only recognized when I'm with the other people, then people
RR4Kalle: At least I wasn't a character like Flora or Tammy
RR4Jake: Everyone thinks I'm Vince.
RR4Kalle: Oscar and I get recognized a lot togehter
RR4Oscar: Only when I'm with one of the other four.
RR4Jake: When I'm with Montana.
MTVOnstage: BABYB123 asks: Oscar, Did you at any time feel like crying when you guys got in to arguments??
RR4Oscar: Like crying?
RR4Kalle: oscar is a very sensitive man
RR4Vince: he's a man not a four year-old
RR4Oscar: No, most of the time I usually laughed.
RR4Erika: Oscar is in touch with his feelings. We always seemed to work it out
MTVRock: Cobainian asks: DiD U guys become friends with the crew also?
RR4Jake: Yep. Yep.
RR4Kalle: yeah, we loved our crew
RR4Erika: I loved the crew-eveyrbody was awesome. I still keep intouch with some of them.
RR4Vince: yes, I got very close with the crew and they were one of my favorite parts about being on the road
RR4Oscar: I think it's hard not to. Living with someone for three months, its kinda hard to
RR4Kalle: i had a crush on our director until I found out he is gay
RR4Oscar: not become friends with the crewe even though you're not supposed to cross lines.
RR4Erika: Kalle-so did I!
RR4Kalle: I remember
MTVixen: MLam69377 asks: can we send you gifts?
RR4Kalle: hell yeah!
RR4Erika: sure!
RR4Kalle: copy cat
RR4Erika: diamonds preferably
RR4Oscar: Yah. Mail them to Bunim-Murray Productions in LA Attn: Oscar
RR4Kalle: lots of gifts
RR4Erika: Ferragamo boots
RR4Vince: fishnet stockings and whips
RR4Kalle: oscar has already had psychos
RR4Oscar: Yup
MTVRock: Roochild asks: for those of you who had reltionships when you came on the trip have those relationships changed do you still have them?
RR4Kalle: i mean, oscar is a psycho
RR4Vince: I have a long distance relationship now and we're in negotiations
RR4Kalle: brian and i are still friends, he's a nice guy
RR4Erika: I'm still with my boyfriend Stefen. We are getting ready to celebrate our 1 year anniversa
RR4Jake: why aren't we friends.
RR4Oscar: I'm single, I've always been single, but I'm open for opportunities.
MTVixen: BLUIDSMIL asks: what was your scariest moment and why, again to all
RR4Erika: Oscar-you know you have opportunities
RR4Vince: night before the show premired
RR4Kalle: when we jumped off the bridge in PR
RR4Oscar: When I first saw Jakes a**.]
RR4Kalle: oscar has such a 14-yr old fan club
RR4Erika: Um...I was really scared to tryout with the Knicks City Dancers b/c I sucked at dancing
RR4Oscar: He mooned the group.
MTVRock: Marrissa34 asks: How was it competing with the Real World
RR4Kalle: at the time, we hated them, but now, they're cool
RR4Vince: It was alot of fun, but it wasn't very friendly at first
RR4Erika: It was totally cool
RR4Oscar: Interesting.
RR4Jake: I hate Jason -- that double-talking bastard!
RR4Erika: It wasn't good at the time, but looking back it was good.
RR4Oscar: Jake, don't hold grudges.
RR4Vince: you seemed to get along in D.C.
RR4Jake: I hope HE's reading this. You should read what he wrote about me last time.
RR4Erika: yeah what's the deal Jake?
RR4Oscar: Sleeping
RR4Kalle: i thought i was going to die!!! it was so lonely
RR4Vince: It was like coming off of heroin, they should have a couselor ready for you
RR4Oscar: sleeping and on medications.
RR4Erika: It was hard to go back. It was culture shock. It was nice to be home, but at the same time I missed everyone
RR4Jake: It was fun to see Kalle again.
RR4Kalle: i missed everybody sooooo bad
RR4Vince: I missed the microphone band around my waist
RR4Erika: lol
RR4Oscar: You missed the boom!
RR4Oscar: Always up in your a**.
RR4Kalle: i missed vince's basssssss
RR4Vince: there's plenty more where that came from
RR4Oscar: Vince, do you still have gas?
RR4Erika: COnstantly he does
MTVOnstage: Roxygirl3 asks: What does Oscar do when the couples go off together?
RR4Jake: Oscar rubs it like a mad-man.
RR4Vince: he grooms his toe hair
RR4Jake: Mine that is.
RR4Erika: Vince and I we're not a couple. Vince, Oscar and I hung out alot
RR4Oscar: Get hammered and go to sleep.
RR4Jake: Rubs what?
RR4Kalle: he took hour-long showers
RR4Jake: I dont' get the kids today.
RR4Vince: Oscar took REALLY long showers
RR4Erika: He and I don't want to know what you did in there
RR4Kalle: what kids?
RR4Oscar: At least I can break a cheerio.
RR4Erika: I just know that I take the first shower!
RR4Kalle: The drain was always colgged!
MTVRock: Aquafun48 asks: Do you regreat anything, or wish you could take back something that you said to each other?
RR4Vince: I regret that I wasn't more vocal in the group besides just being funny
RR4Jake: I never would have tried to vote Oscar out.
RR4Oscar: I don't regret anything cause everything is a part of everything and if you take out somet
RR4Erika: I kinda have regrets. Sometimes I wish things went differently. But I don't regret anything.
RR4Oscar: hing it won't be the same thing you had.
RR4Kalle: I wish I would have been nicer to Oscar
RR4Vince: I regret that I didn't get with Erika nightly
RR4Oscar: So good and bad, I don't regret anything.
MTVOnstage: ALennoxfa asks: I really enjoyed watching you all every week! Do you know if the calendar you did is giong to be available to buy?
RR4Kalle: We sure hope so, but I haven't heard
RR4Erika: I don't think so, but thank you. YOU ROCK!
RR4Oscar: At least, I don't know, but if someone knows let me know, cause my
RR4Vince: I'm not sure about the calender, you might want to write the office
RR4Oscar: grandma wants a copy.
RR4Kalle: You can see Oscar's cheerio-breaker in it
RR4Jake: Vince is in a video...but you have to be over 18.
RR4Erika: Oscar is having his own calendar coming