Episode 406: Our poor and hungry cast pulls into a KFC, misses clearance of the drive-thru roof, and causes all sorts of nasty damage to the place. But magically, the cops let it slide. To make money, their next mission is to operate "Pedi Cabs," or modified rickshaws. The gang makes $340 by night's end, thanks largely to Oscar's skillz. Next is Grand Cayman, where they have to produce a swimsuit calendar within 24 hours to take home $1500. Everybody models and looks fab. The calendar ultimately turns out great, and they win the dough.
Episode 407: Honey harvestin' time! The guys find themselves at a bee farm, but with only four protective suits for five people. Jake volunteers to go without (brave boy). Oscar gets stung, Jake gets stung, Vince gets stung -- but they successfully gather the honey. Next, they go to a deserted island for a survival mission. They must catch lobsters and conch and gather coconuts to eat. To make things worse, a scary storm hits. But the next day, Bob Denver, a.k.a. Gilligan, arrives, and tells them they'll now be pampered at a luxury hotel with massages and whatnot. Jake and Kalle swim close in the ocean later, then Jake asks her to get an AIDS test. Kalle agrees.
Behind the Scenes 407: At the spa, the kids all got pampered, especially Oscar, who got a massage that caused him to get a woody. The kind masseuse assured him it happens all the time.
Episode 408: The gang goes to Oscar's house in Puerto Rico. Some racial tension erupts when Oscar's homies come over and start drinking and Vince and Jake turn up their little white noses. One of the guys is hitting on Kalle and Jake, fuming, is ready to kick butt if necessary. Erika clues Oscar in, and Oscar tells his friend to back off of Kalle. Next, the cast is told they have to go on a scavenger hunt in order to earn their rooms in this bungalow on the other side of the island. They accomplish the task handily.
Episode 409: The kids build an array of pitiful rafts and then pendulum jump off a bridge into there boats, racing for a gourmet dinner. Jake wins, having the only water-worthy vehicle (kalle's actually went upstream!!!) and scores the grub. The next morning its off to the dock to meet Christian and his spectacular yacht, the Lady Jane. The rulers get a quick sailing refresher course and their next clue: sail to St. Lucia and help plan a wedding. Cutting through deep ocean waters, the boat and it's unprepared crew face a violent storm complete with tidal wave.
Behind the Scenes 409: While in Martinique, the Road Rulers had the opportunity to earn some much needed cash by working the (topless) beach. Jake, Vince, and Oscar were supplied with baskets stuffed with brand new bottles of tanning spray -- all they had to do was sell some liquid protection. Problem: all those clients baking in the sun spoke French! Needless to say, the sales pitch devolved into a game of charades. Kalle and Erika were supplied with two baskets filled with bikinis and sent to stroll the strip and sell the merchandise. However, in order to sell the suits, the girls were required to model them at the customer's request. Since there were no changing rooms, the girls had to peel it off in front of everyone!
Episode 410: Oscar breaks two toes tarzaning off the Lady Jane (you have to let go of the rope, Oscar) and hobbles through Zaine and Cindy's Creole wedding. The crew only had 48 hours to organize everything, but the whole festivity went off without a hitch. As reward the rulers win a night's stay in the most luxurious hotel on the island. They take advantage of their ultra-digs by skinny dipping in the pool and showering together... naked!! That night the next clue sends our fave five hiking into an active volcano. The gang moans, what about Oscar's broken toes? Nothing fazes our Puerto Rican stallion; he dons a shirt bearing his island's flag and hoofs it to the top!