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Sailor Moon Royal Webring

Sailor Moon Royal Webring

To Honor the Royal Family

Ah! How am I ever going to pull this one off? Oh well. If you have a heart and wish to help (you'll need a brain too) I'll gladly accept tricks and tips. This webring was made for the royal family -- Princess Serenity/Neo-Queen Serenity, King of Earth (King Darien), and Small Lady. Please join, it'll be a royal experience! E-mail me all the info if the submit form doesn't work. I'll add you manually.

Note: I may also have my friends' pages in the ring too, but other than that, pages should be Sailor Moon or anime related.

Submit site to Sailor Moon Royal Webring
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

Okay, after signing up, you'll need to put the code onto your webpage. It will be E-mailed to you when you sign up. It looks like this:

This Sailor Moon Royal Webring site owned by Earth Princess.
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Please join...I mean, why not? And you don't to get the holder of the Imperium Silver Crystal mad, oh no no no. And the thorns of roses do hurt....besides, it increases traffic to your site!

Questions? E-mail me.