FILE TRANSFER WITH THE HP-48G(X) PLEASE, DO NOT ALTER THIS FILE ANY DAMAGE CAUSED BY THE MISSUSE OF THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT MY RESPONSABILITY. IT IS MEANT TO HELP THE BEGINNER ON FILE TRANSFERING AND MUST NOT CAUSE ANY PROBLEM. BY: Luis Diego Conejo Alpízar Ingeniería en Electrónica Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica ( A. HOW TO SETUP THE PC TO TRANSFER FILES TO THE HP-48 1.Dowload the program HP-Explorer, included in this page It will require Windows 3.x or higher to use it. 2.Use a program such as Winzip to uncompress it in the directory of your choice (i.e. c:\hpexplor) NOW, SETUP THE HP-48 FOR FILE TRANSFER (SEE, "HOW TO PREPARE THE HP-48 FOR FILE TRANSFER") 3.Open the folder in which you decompressed the HP-Explorer and double click the file HP48.EXE. 4.Select the serial port you will use. If you use a serial mouse, remember to choose a different port from that used by the mouse, otherwise, it will freeze. 5.Press OK. 6. Write the parameters of your serial port. Usually, the default valuesa are correct. However, be sure the field "Bits per second" is on "9600" which is the maximum transference speed of the HP-48. 7.Press OK. IF EVERYTHING IS FINE, YOU SHOULD SEE A WINDOW SIMILAR TO THAT IN WINDOWS EXPLORER, WITH THE CALCULATOR CONTENTS ON IT. B. HOW TO SETUP THE HP-48 FOR FILE TRANSFER: TO TRANSFER FILES, YOU WILL REQUIRE A SERIAL CABLE WHICH YOU CAN MAKE OR BUY FROM A HP RESELLER. 1. Connect the cable to the calculator and the computer as shown in HP-48's manual. 2. Follow the steps in point "A". 3. With the calculator ON, press the green button with the right-pointing arrow. 4. Now press number "1". NOW, YOU WILL SEE A LIST OF TRANSFER OPTIONS. 5. Press UP-ARROW (the white triangle pointing "north" of the calculator). Now, "START SERVER" is blackened. 6. Press ENTER. THE CALCULATOR IS READY TO RECEIVE FILES FROM THE PC. TO EXIT, PRESS THE ON BUTTON (IT IS ALSO CANCEL BUTTON). C. FILE TRANSFER. 1. While on HP-Explorer windows, press blue up-arrow button (UPLOAD). A OPEN-FILE DIALOG BOX WILL SHOW. 2. Select the file(s) you wish to transfer and press "OPEN". YOU WILL SEE A PROGRESS INDICATOR, WHILE IN THE CALCULATOR WILL SHOW THE FILE NAME AND NUMBER OF PACKETS RECEIVED. D. PROGRAM INSTALLATION. THERE ARE TWO BASIC TYPES OF PROGRAMAS FOR THE HP: VARIABLES AND LIBRARIES. VARIABLES DO NOT REQUIERE ANY INSTALLATION, BECAUSE THEY ARE EXECUTED PRESSING THE BUTTON "VAR" AND SELECTING THE DESIRED PROOGRAM FROM THE VARIABLE LIST SHOWN ON THE DISPLAY. IF A VARIABLE IS NOT EXECUTED DIRECTLY, THE DISPLAY SHOW A LINE SAYING: LIBRARY #### : NAME (WHERE #### IS THE NUMBER AND NAME IS THE NAME OF THE LIBRARY). AT THE OTHER SIDE, LIBRARIES MUST BE INSTALLED. TO DO THAT, FOLLOW THE NEXT STEPS. 1. Press the "VAR" button. 2. While on the variable list, select the library you wish to use. IT IS SHOWN: LIBRARY #### : NAME 3. Write: '0' 4. Press the button: 'STO'. 5. Turn ON and OFF the calculator. THE LIBRARY IS NOW INSTALLED. REMEMBER TO ERASE THE ORIGINAL VARIABLE WHICH USE TO CONTAIN THE LIBRARY, BECAUSE IT IS ONLY STEALING SPACE NOW AND ITS NO LONGER REQUIRED. TO USE DE LIBRARY, PRESS THE GREEN BUTTON WITH THE RIGHT-POINTING ARROW, PRESS THEN NUMBER "2" AND SELECT THE LIBRARY FROM THE LIST THAN HAD JUST APPEARED. TO DELETE LIBRARIES, FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS SHOWN IN THE MANUAL. E. SOME USEFUL TIPS: - If you need to install a huge library, follow steps 1 to 2 of point "D", inmediatly erase the original variable, and follow steps 4 and 5. You will get much more space for installation. It is particulary useful with the game TREIZE.