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All links last tested on May 15, 1998

HOME PAGE for ANCESTRY.COM While this site is mainly a commerical site, they do offer some databases and maps (for a short period each month) for free. It is worth taking a look at.
The OFFICIAL LAND PATENT RECORD SITE This state-of-the-art records access system currently provides you with Web access to more then 1.8 million land patents from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Eastern States. Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Ohio, & Wisconsin
The USGenWeb Project This is the home page for The USGenWeb Project. Consisting of a group of volunteers working together to provide Internet websites for genealogical research in every county and every state of the United States, the Project is non-commercial and fully committed to free access for everyone. Organization is by county and state, and this website provides you with links to all the state websites which, in turn, provide gateways to the counties. The USGenWeb Project also sponsors important special projects at the national level; this website provides an entry point to all of those pages, as well.
Lookups on Genealogical CD's You will find on this site, (1) a list of most all of the CD's that have been published, (2) the people who own the CD and are willing to do a search of that CD, (3) the E-mail address to contact these people. Be sure to read all of the rules governering this site. It is a great site and can be very helpful.
Deciphering Old Handwriting This site contains an On-Line tutorial, to help you read and understand old records better.
On-Line Obituaries (CSRA section of Georgia) This site belongs to The Augusta Chronicle NewsPaper. It is a searchable database of the obituaries posted in the newspaper for the area around Augusta, Ga.
On-Line Obituaries For Jasper, AL. When you arrive at the site, click on the word DEATHS, and it will take you to the obituaries. Not one of the best sites I have been to, but if you have people from this area it might be helpful.
On-Line Obituaries Posted by the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram These are the local obituaries fro the Ft. Worth Area.
Genealogy Help List The Genealogy Helplist consists of volunteers who are willing to help others by looking up specific items at institutions near them, or help supply other information easily accessible to them. If you want to make a request of one of these volunteers, please read the instruction page. If you would like to be a volunteer, visit the page you want to join and follow the maintainer's instructions on how to join.
A Search Engine for I Found It and Common Threads Common Threads is 1 yr old! Current there are 12,670+ entries and over 9,640 different surnames in the database. There are over 1,500 individuals searching Common Threads daily. I Found It is a web site where you can list your own web site and search for other sites on the same subject.