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Stephen's Health Update

Current Status

Age:36 months!

Weight: 32 pounds

Height: 36 inches

Update - July 19, 2001!!!

Stephen has continued to develop phenomenally. He has received wonderful care from the folks at the ARC and later from the Early Intervention center at Ochsner. He loves music, and rough housing with his brothers. He plays hide and seek with his dad, can dramatically play dead when you pretend to shoot him, and loves his Reader Rabbit computer game. The ongoing challenge now is his delayed speech. He says some words, many one syllable. However we know that he understands just about everything going on around him. He can communicate what he wants, but his dreams, reflections and concerns lay locked inside for now. A huge part of Stephen's growth and mine as well is the ongoing relationships with all of the Down Syndrome community. From our little playgroup that tries to meet every other week, to the meetings and parties that DSAGNO holds, we have derived much comfort, companionship and information. Thanks to you all. The latest challenge I didn't expect to have to face is that of his education. He was re-evaluated before turning three to see what services he would be receiving since the early intervention ends at three years. Of course they recommended speech therapy and some adapted PE. However, he scored so well on the cognitive section, that he did not qualify for special education preschool! (Way to go Stephen!) We have called, emailed, written and talked to many different people, half of whom agree with us that he needs the special instruction regardless of how he tests. The other half believe that he will benefit from interacting with typical preschoolers. Thus we find ourselves between a rock and a hard place. Ever tried calling a preschool and asking if you son with DS can go to their school? Many people are extremely hesitant to accept us. However, we did happen upon a nearby school that I brought Stephen to unannounced. After they met him, he interacted with the children there, shook hands with the director of the school, the teacher was very accepting and willing to have him come there. So for now he will receive speech twice a week and go to preschool twice a week. I want more for him and will probably have him retested. Still, Phil and I will continue to question the rules that say he has to fail to receive the help he needs. Perhaps we can help make the way easier for the next kids. In all we are very blessed that Stephen is doing so well. He is a joy to everyone he meets. His smile is infectious. He rules the neighborhood, sits with the cats and brings doggie treats to the neighbor's dogs. He continues to defy the books that tell me what problems to expect. He only draws warmth and love from those around him. We give glory to God for this amazing little boy!

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