The History

Proud to be Metis

Time Line

1. Born on October 22nd 1984.

2. Entered Montreal College by scholarship in 1958 where he studied Latin, Math, Philosophy and Literature.

3. In July 1968 he returned to Red River, not long after Surveyors began to survey the river striped holdings of the Metis.

4. 1869: Riel and a group of other Metis broke up a surveying party and the Red River Rebellion officially begins, take charge of Fort Garry on November 2nd.

5. 1870: Thomas Scott was executed by the Metis, and the Manitoba act of 1870 was put through Parliament, later a price of $5,000 was put on Riel's head.

6. Exiled from Canada in 1875 for five years.

7. 1881 he married Margeurite Monet dit Bellehumer

8. 1883 Riel settled down and took up a position as a school teacher at St. Peter's mission in Montana.

9. 1884 Gabriel Dumont comes for him.

10. 1885: March 26 - Uprising at Duck Lake

11. Riel was found guilty of treason against Canada and hanged on November 16, 1885 in Regina, Saskatchewan.
