Building the Foundation
(Warning: this fic contains graphic sexual content)

     Heero couldn’t help but watch the blond pilot as he sat down at the table.  They were the only two left at the safehouse, and no missions had come in.  Strangely being the sole recipient of the Arabian’s gentle friendship, he’d found himself trying to return the friendship in his own way.  But there was something different about what he felt towards the smaller boy than what he felt for any of the others.
     The thoughts he had when Quatre was near were slightly disturbing.  Even that moment, as he watched the other boy sip his tea and saw his small pink tongue dart out to lick off a few drops that had stayed there he felt a tightening between his legs and found himself unable to tear his gaze from his pouty lips.  He found himself wondering if those lips would feel as soft under his own….  With a low growl he hastily got to his feet, making the chair he’d been sitting on fly back a good three feet.
     Quatre looked up at him in surprise, his face forming the worried expression Heero’d grown to love for the way it made the blond look, so sweet and… cute.
     All at once Heero knew he had to get out of there, his heart was beating faster, his body… he mentally shook himself speaking more harshly than he’d intended in his hurry to escape.  “I’m going to work on Wing.”  With that he spun and had to force himself to walk from the room, though he couldn’t slow his retreat entirely.
     Heero finished tightening the bolt for the computer panel and stood up wiping sweat from his brow.  There was still a lot he needed to do and luckily the repairs and upgrades had lessened the amount of times he found his thoughts drifting to the Arabian pilot.
     The softly spoken way Quatre said his name made his stomach do flipflops and distracted him enough that when he turned his foot landed wrong and he lost his balance on Wing’s arm, causing him to fall.  He didn’t try to fight it but instead used it to his advantage, tucking his body into a tight ball and rolling as soon as his feet came in contact with the floor.  Pain shot through his shoulder but he shoved it to the back of his mind as he got to his feet.
     Looking up his eyes locked onto wide, almost frightened baby blue ones.  “Oh Allah, Heero.  I’m so sorry!  I didn’t mean for… Are you alright?  Here let me see…”
     Before Heero had a moment to realize what was happening the other boy’s hands were sliding over his body, looking for injuries.  Quatre found the dislocated shoulder easily but the light touches of those small, soft hands were enough to set his skin on fire, it made his entire body shiver but Quatre took it differently, pulling his hands away, forehead wrinkled in concern.  “You’ll have to come into the house so I can fix your shoulder.”
     Heero stared at the wall willing his blood to cool down.  “I can do it myself.”
     Quatre bit his lower lip, “I know but it’ll be easier if I do it, instead.”  Heero looked up at him and saw Quatre’s face nearly crumble, “Please Heero?”
     He melted.  His whole resolve vaporized as he nodded and let Q uatre put his good arm over the other boy’s slim shoulders but he stiffened slightly as the blond’s surprisingly strong arm slid around his waist, but forced his muscles to relax in order to keep the other from worrying more than necessary.
     It became easy to ignore the pain, when his thoughts became hostily taken over by the warm, compact body at his side.  He didn’t even remember the walk back to the safe house.  Though he became acutely aware of the fact that they were in Quatre’s room and that he was sitting on the edge of the bed.
     “You’ll have to take your shirt off Heero.”
     Heero stiffened, not daring to look at the blond, fearing what the other might see in his eyes.  He was never more startled in his entire life as he was when Quatre sighed heavily and moved in front of him, kneeling between his legs and began removing his shirt.  “I shouldn’t have asked.  It was stupid of me… with your sore shoulder it would be awfully painful to do it…”
     “You’re not stupid.”  Heero nearly growled in sudden anger.  “You just care.  That isn’t a crime.”
     Heero watched Quatre stop and look up at him from lowered eyelashes, cheeks turning a slight pink that made Heero’s heartbeat quicken.  Unconsciously he lifted his good hand and brushed the platinum blond bangs out of the wide pools that threatened to drown him.  “You’re beautiful.”
     It wasn’t more than a whisper but by the darkening of Quatre’s cheeks, the hitch in his breathing and the slightly parted lips he knew the pilot of Sandrock had heard him.  His heart clenched at what he’d done but he felt a pull towards those lips and acted for once without thinking.  With his good hand he cupped Quatre’s cheek and lifted his chin up slightly before leaning forward and touching his lips to Quatre’s.  Moving them slightly he watched the blond’s eyes close and felt his arms slide around his waist pulling their bodies closer.  With a gentleness he didn’t know he possessed, Heero increased the intensity of the kiss until Quatre’s lips parted slightly so that he could dart his tongue inside and explore.  Absently he noted that the other boy’s lips were just as soft as he’d imagined.
     He was pleasantly surprised when he felt Quatre’s tongue rub his own.  With a groan he used his good hand to rub the other pilot’s back, effectively pushing the two of them closer.
     Finally he had to break the kiss for lack of air but it left his lips tingling and himself aroused.  Seeing Quatre’s flushed face and swollen lips didn’t help him find the control he needed either.
     Quatre blinked up at him in shock and Heero realized he might have gone too far.  Getting up, he mumbled, “Sorry.”  And was about to leave when a warm hand on his arm stopped him.
     The other pilot’s voice came out thick and quiet but strong.  “Don’t be sorry.  I’m not.”
     Heero felt his heart stop.  “You aren’t?”
     Again the response was quiet but sure.  “No, I’m not sorry.”
     Turning slowly, real fear gripping his heart, Heero looked down at the still kneeling boy, searching his face and eyes… but there was nothing there to bely the earlier words.
     Falling to his knees he reached out his good arm and cupped Quatre’s cheek, the blond leaned into the caress and Heero leaned forward plundering the soft lips, which responded readily.
     Pain shot through his arm, distracting him.  Pulling away he moved a couple of inches and rammed his shoulder into the metal bed leg.  Effectively relocating his shoulder with an audible pop.
     “Oh Allah, your shoulder….”
     Turning he caught the panicked boy’s hands in his own, giving Quatre a slight smile.  “… Is fine.” He closed the distance between them with a needy kiss and felt Quatre’s hands slid beneath his shirt and up his back.  He wanted to be able to feel Quatre’s skin and that damn high-collared shirt was stopping him.  Pulling away slightly he shed his own shirt in record time and gently nibbled along the sensitive flesh of the Arabian’s ear and neck as he undid the buttons of his shirt.  He tore a couple in his hurry but when he was done he threw the shirt away from them before lifting the blond onto the bed and kissing him breathless.
     Still kneeling, Heero worked on the Arabian’s pants till they were easily slipped off, along with the boxalong the sensitive flesh of the Arabian’s ear and neck as he undid the buttons of his shirt.  He tore a couple in his hurry but when he was done he threw the shirt away from them before lifting the blond onto the bed and kissing him breathless.
     Still kneeling, Heero worked on the Arabian’s pants till they were easily slipped off, along with the boxers he’d been wearing.  Sometime while he’d been busy Quatre had kicked off his shoes.  He hadn’t realized the smaller boy had been so well endowed.
     Pushing Quatre down on the bed he laid down over top of him, kissing down his neck until he encountered a hard dark nipple.  Slowly he rubbed his tongue over it, enjoying the sound of the blond moan in pleasure.  He slid one hand along the sensitive skin of the Arabian’s inner thigh and smiled slightly at the gasp that erupted when his fingers brushed Quatre’s hardened length.
     He marveled as the blond tossed him onto his back, blue eyes dark with desire.  “You have on too many cloths Heero.”  Stripping him of his jeans and underwear, Quatre straddled his hips, making them both stiffen at the sensations caused by their members rubbing against each other.
     He rocked upwards as his length was engulfed in warm moisture and had to grip the bed sheets in a white knuckled grip to prevent himself from thrusting uncontrollably into Quatre’s mouth.  His control nearly snapped when he felt Quatre’s tongue tease the tip.  As soon as the mouth let him go he flipped Quatre onto the bed beneath him and licked the blond slowly, smiling to himself as the Arabian’s hips rocked in desperation.  Moving up he gave the blond a kiss as his eyes roamed the room until they spotted a bottle of lotion on the nightstand by the bed.  Never breaking the kiss he removed the lid and rubbed the cream over his hands.  Slowly he worked his finger inside Quatre, meeting with some resistance and began stretching the opening until he could fit three fingers inside.  Amazingly he hit the sweet spot inside Quatre and the blond bucked upwards, panting and moaning.  “Now… Heero, please, I need…”
     He needed no more invitation as he removed his fingers and positioned his member at the opening, in one fast thrust he was totally engulfed by the tightness, hitting Quatre’s spot and making the blond squirm in pleasure, which nearly sent himself over the edge.  Trying to be slow he took his time, but he found it difficult.
     “Faster!  Oh Allah, Heero, faster… hurry…”
     The moaning way Quatre said his name made him lose his hold on his control.  He began thrusting in urgency, rubbing Quatre’s arousal as he did, sending them both over the edge as he came inside his beautiful blond lover.
    Exhausted he pulled out of the Arabian and grabbed a nearby towel from the ajoining bathroom, cleaning them both off before sliding in next to Quatre and pulling him close.
     “What does… I mean are we… um…?”
     Tilting the other’s head upwards he gave him a rare smile.  “Do you care for me?”
     The blond blinked.  “Of course.”
     Heero nodded.  “I’m not sure what I feel for you but this much I do know.  We care for each other.  If you want to build on that we can.”
     Quatre smiled and snuggled closer.  “I’d like that.”
 Heero waited until the other’s breathing had evened out.  “Me too.”