The Academy Days
New Student

    Hauling his duffle bag onto his shoulder he looked at the computer pad in his hand.  Glancing back at the number on the door he sighed and slid his pass through the lock, with a beep the door flew open and he walked inside.  The room was empty so he went to the bunk nearest the port window and dropped his load on the bare mattress.
    Unzipping his bag he began stuffing his rumpled clothes into the drawers of his dresser.  When he got to the bottom he pulled out his sanitation products and put them away before removing his most precious possession, a picture of his family.  Fighting back the awful memories that surfaced he gently set it under his pillow after making his bed.
    Grabbing his pass he semi straightened his uniform and headed toward his first class.  He'd be late but then it didn't matter, he was the new kid.  Teachers always made an exception for the new kid, even at the famous Alliance Space Academy.
    He easily found his way to the Quantum Physics Lab.  Hesitantly he knocked on the door and waited until the teacher opened the door for him.  His scheduale said the young man before him was Alan Trembly.  The teacher smiled at him as he enterred the room.  "Can I help you?"
    Handing him his pass he simply said, "I'm new."
    Mr. Trembly accepted the little compupad and read something on the screen, "Lancelot Braddock, 15..."
    The teacher looked at him through his glasses, "Pardon?"
    "I go by Lance."  He shifted his feet and shoved his hands deep into his pockets.
    "Alright, well why don't you tell the class a little about yourself before taking a seat."  The teacher handed the pad back to him and moved over to his desk, giving Lance the floor.
    Gritting his teeth he faced those watching him.  "I'm Lance, I'm from an outer colony but I was born on Earth.  My father was a farmer, my mother a zeo biologist.  I hope to someday kill King Zarkon but I'll settle for blowing Lotor's brains out."
    With that he moved to a vacant seat at the back.  Casting a glance at Mr. Trembly and he noticed his shocked expression even though the teacher quickly recovered.  He couldn't keep a smirk of satisfaction from curving his thin lips.  If he hadn't wanted to know he should never have asked.
    Feeling someone watching him, he turned his head ever so slightly.  Catching a boy maybe a year to two years older than him with black hair and brown eyes by surprise, "Gotta problem boyo?"
    The kid blushed but didn't falter.  "Why'd you say that?  Mr. Trembly is one of the best teachers at the Academy."
    Lance took a closer look at the guy next to him.  "What's your name?"
    "Keith.  Keith Akira."
    Lance grinned, why he wasn't sure, but he liked the guy.  "I said it because it's true.  Even if it kills me, I'm going to make the Drule pay."
    The kid watched him carefully before nodding, "What room are you in?"
    "C-346, D section."
    "I'm in C-349, D section.  How about if I show you around when class is out."
    Lance shrugged nonchalantly, "Sure."
    For the rest of the class they were silent.  Lance pretended to pay attention while he thought over everything that had happened to him in the last few days.
    The Drule had attacked his planet a week ago.  When the Alliance forces had finally arrived it had been too late to save his parents or his twin sister, they'd died in his arms.  His uncle, an admiral in the fleet and hi mother's brother, had no time to put up with him and had promptly sent him to the Academy.  Not that he minded, going to the Academy would give him the training he'd need to avenge his family.
    Startled Lance faced Keith.  Other kids were already filing out of the room, grabbing his compupad he ran out the door and waited for Keith to catch up.
    His new friend walked out eyebrows raised in question, "Why'd you run out like that?'
    Lance grinned, "I'm allergic to classrooms."
    Keith grinned back, "Then we'd better get as far away from here as possible, we wouldn't want you to break out in red welts or anything."
    "Race ya to section D."  Lance yelled over his shoulder as he sped down the corridor, Keith hot on his heels.
    Lance easily beat him but decided against bragging when Keith lead him to his own quarters.  "My roomate won't be back for a while."
    "Unlucky him, he could have had the pleasure of meeting me."  Lance quipped as he flopped onto one of the beds.
    "Pleasure?"  Mocked his black haired friend, as he set his supplies neatly on his desk.
    "Oh you wound me!"  He faked a stab to the heart and fell to the floor.
    "Hey!  Who are you?"
    Lance looked up from lowered eyelids.  "That depends on who you are."
    "Um, Lance this is my roommate and friend, Sven Bjornason.  Sven this is a new kid to the school, Lance Braddock."
    Lance stared at the tall, dark-haired Norweign.  He nodded but didn't say a word, Lance returned the gesture.  Then Sven turned to Keith, "You coming to lunch?"
    The invitation didn't extend to Lance and Keith seemed torn, sensing his new friend's plight Lance solved the problem for him.  "Ah, go on Keith.  I have to do a few things before I eat."
    They exited the room together but Lance hung back arriving fifteen minutes after them.  Grabbing a tray of food he started heading to a table but stopped short when a couple of Seniors blocked his path.
    "What do you think you're doing, farm-boy?"  The biggest asked menacingly as he crossed his arms.
    "Well, seeing as you're too stupid to figure it out, maybe I should spell it out for you."  Lance smirked, meeting the others gaze.
    The retort wasn't what the two goons had expected but they quickly recovered.  The guy who had spoken kicked the tray out of his hands.  Lance let it go managing just to keep his temper under control, that was until they decided to go too far.
    "What?  Does the little boy want to go back to mommy and daddy?"  The side kick mocked.
    Clenching his fists till his nails dug into his palm he mangaged to grind out, "Leave my family out of this!"
    "Oh and what are you going to do about it?  Ace, how much do you want to bet that his mama slept around?"
    That's all Lance could take, he launched himself forward landing a solid punch to the one guy's nose which drew blood.  The goon still standing was about to do the same to Lance when a hand came out of nowhere and an accented voice spoke out in a low dangerous voice, "Touch him and you'll have to deal with me Mallone."
    Mallone's face and voice reflected sudden fear, "Uh, sure Sven.  We had no idea he was a friend of yours."
    With that the two retreated into the crowd.  Before he had time to react, Lance felt two hands on his back, gently ushering him outside to the Planetarium.  The next thing he knew Sven had his nose against his, eyes flashing dangerously.  "What was that about?"
    Pain and anger flaring inside him, Lance pulled away.  "Why don't you ask them!"  He snapped before running to his room.  Slamming the door behind him he ripped off his uniform and threw on a pair of black jogging pants, a white t-shirt and a pair of sneakers.
    Quickly he made his way to the gym where he slammed his fists into the punching bag until they were bruised.  A few hours later, exhausted he went back to his room, only to find the administrator there.
    "Lance.  I'm afraid this room is needed for another purpose at the present time so you'll have to bunk in C-349, D section for the time being."  Then she left, no 'hi's or goodbye's'.
    Cramming his stuff in his bag he went to C-349 and knocked on the door.  Keith answered.
    "Hey Lance.  You okay?"
    "Fine.  The administrator said I have to bunk with you."
    "We know."  Sven grumbled from inside, saying something about a trouble maker.

    Stepping inside Lance saw that another bunk had been added, shoving his stuff underneath he laid down without saying a word.  Sometime later the lights went out and he fell asleep.


    The Drule were everywhere no matter where he looked.  Spying his family he started to run towards them but a strong hand stopped him.  Looking up he saw Elder Jolan shaking his head.  "No my son, their fate has come but you are destined for things much greater then even you can imagine.  Your destiny will take you to the Stars and beyond.  Always remember you were born in the sign on the Lion."
    Tears stung his eyes as he looked back at his family, "But I can't just leave them there..."
    "Then I shall hold you back, Lion's heart.  Then you can blame either me or the Drule for what is to come."
    Strong arms engulfed him as he watched his mother and sister raped and killed and his father tortured and beaten to death.
    Unable to stop himself he opened his mouth and screamed....
Dream Over

    "Lance!  Wake up."
    He sat bolt straight in bed, sweat pouring off his face, and gasping for air.  Still hearing the screams of pain and sufffering, his hands automatically went to his ears trying to block the horrifying sounds out at the same time he squeezed his eyes shut and rocked back and forth.
    Once again strong arms were around him and he leaned into them for support.  "Vhat iz the mattuh?"
    The voice caught him off-guard and he yanked himself away.  "Sven?"
    The tall cadet nodded and pointed to a figure on his other side.  "And Keith."
    Cheeks aflame, Lance began to mumble excuses for what had happened but Keith stopped him, "If you don't want to talk about it, fine but don't lie to us.  Whatever that nightmare was about, it was terrible.  Just know that if you need someone to talk to, I'm here."
    Sven patted his knee, "I may 'ave treated you badly before but the same goet for me too."
    Without another word they went back to their bunks and he turned over though he didn't sleep any more that night.