Part Two
    Sam and the others waited as Dr. Goma came out of the room where Lance was resting.
    "So what's the verdict, Doc, he gonna be okay?"  The large brown-haired boy said as he stood up next the the Colonel, his brow knited together in a frown.
    The Doctor smiled.  "He'll be just fine, though he sould rest for a few days..."
    The small green-clad boy laughed.  "Then you'd better chain him to the bed!  Lance is even more stubborn than Keith when it comes to being grounding due to medical reasons."
    Dr. Goma rolled his eyes to the cieling and let out a long sigh.  "Don't I know it."  The he smiled faintly, "You can go in and see him if you want."
    The group filed into the room but Sam and the rest of Stargate SG-1 stayed back.
    Commander Keith Akira moved to his friend's side.  The boy on the bed was pale and his eyes were closed but as if sensing the new presences in the room he opened his eyes and looked at Keith, "Did we win?  I can't seem to remember..."
    "Yah, Lance.  We won."
    A crooked grin spread over his face, "Then where's the victory party?"
    "It's already over, you missed it."
    Lance fiegned surprise.  "Keith!  Was that a joke?"  He swung his gaze around the room, until it landed on the four people in the corner.  "Hi Colonel, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c.  I can see you made it to the Castle in one piece.  To tell you the truth I didn't think you'd make it."
    "I don't mean to interrupt but would you kindly tell me where you're from.  I don't believe you're from Arus."  The Princess said thoughtfully watching them with slight suspicion.
    "Well we're actually from Earth..."  Daniel began.
    "Earth?"  Keith asked with surprise.  "I don't remember there being a transport from Earth in the last two months."
    "We didn't come here on a, uh, transport.  We came through a device known as a Stargate..."  Daniel began again.
    Coran drew a laser gun and aimed it at them effectively silencing Daniel.  "What have you done Lance?  Given free riegn to the Drule enemy?"
    Sam stared at the weapon in shock.
    Lance couldn't believe what he was seeing.  Using energy he didn't have he looked not at Coran but at Keith.  "You know my feelings about people are always right Keith.  I trust these people.  I admit I have a slight misgiving when it comes to Teal'c but I think that in the end it wouldn't matter...."
    The room fell silent as Keith thought it over.  Then he turned to the four.  "I trust Lance's instincts but I also have a whole planet to defend so if you wouldn't mind allowing us to hold your weapons during your stay and your access to certain areas will be limited...."
    "We understand Commander.  We'll honour your wishes."  The Colonel said quickly before anyone could argue.  Removing his gun he gave it to Keith.  The others did the same.
    "Coran... lower the laser gun."
    Reluctantly the advisor listened to the young commander and handed his weapon to him as well.
    Lance turned to Keith, "Mind if I talk to our guests... alone?"    
    Keith gave him an odd look but nodded and ushered the others out.  As soon as they left Lance struggled to get to his feet and soon felt a firm but delicate hand on his shoulder, pushing him back.  Lance looked up into Sam's blue eyes.

    "You're not well enough to get up..."
    "Ha, trust me, I've had worse, and I've seen others who've had worse.  This is nothing but a scratch."  He was surprised at the harshness in his words.
    She pulled her hand back and moved away.  "Sorry."
    Lance sighed as he stood up.  "No.  I am.  I didn't mean to bite your head off.  It's just that because I'm only seventeen a few people think of me as a child.  I'm not."  He grinned, "It makes me extra sorry for Pidge.  Despite his being a genuine everyone still feels like a protecting him when all he wants to do is help."
    Slowly he walked to the window, still in his uniform.  Leaning on the window sill he turned back to them, face a mask of seriousness.  "I don't care what the others think.  I know I could trust you with my life if it ever came to it.  I don't give a hoot how you got here or why you're here.  The point, that everyone seems to be missing, is that you are here.  Because you're here you might be able to help us fight the Drules."
    His visioin blurred slightly but he pushed it away as he faced the Colonel.  "Will you help us fight?  For as long as you choose to stay?"
    "Shouldn't I talk to the person in charge first?"  Jack asked cautiously.
    "I'm second in Command of Voltron Force.  I can influence the Princess and Keith easy enough, all you have to do is agree and I'll take care of the rest."
    "Do we have any choice?"
    Lance looked at him in the eye.  "If you want my respect, no.  If you want to watch people die and suffer, yes.  Just pack up and go about your business."
    "Colonel O'Neill.  I for one do not wish to watch the destruction of yet another world but I will follow your decision."  Teal'c stated watching Lance so that he felt like squirming.  Instead Lance stared back, unwavering under his intense gaze.

    "Well team, I think we've got a new mission.  That is if you can pull it off."  Jack said to Lance as he shook his hand.
    Lance smirked, "You're talking about Lance Braddock here. If I can't do it, nobody can."