The problem was that I lived in Canada with my two children and I was involved with another man for the last six years...These years were not the happiest...That man was 22 years my senior, never worked...I felt so trapped in a loveless relationship... Larry made me feel alive...The more we chatted, the more I need to hear from him... The computer chatting also turned into telephone chatting....We just needed to hear each others voice once a day...(sometimes alot more than once..) As time passed we knew that we wanted to marry each other and build a life together....What we didn't know was how to go about it...
Summer was ending and we just needed to come up with a plan on how to be together, the plan we came up with was that Larry would take the bus from Oregon to Northern Ontario to meet me and we would drive back to Oregon with the kids...sounds pretty simple...Well, Larry got on the bus that October...we were to meet on Halloween night....I was so excited I couldn't control myself and I started telling people that Larry was on his way and soon we would finally have each other... That was when all hell broke loose.....the man that I was involved with in Canada flipped out...he threatned to take away my children and have my committed ...You see he believed that you had to be crazy to fall in love with someone over the computer.... The Police became involved and Larry was taken off the bus 200 miles from me...He had made 2300 of the 2500 miles...Larry didn't have a return ticket or the funds to get him back to Oregon...He was stranded on a bridge in below zero weather.....being told to go home that I didn't want to meet him...
Meanwhile I was in Northern Ontario, a basket case...I could have been committed because I felt that not only had I lost Larry I had lost everything... I didn't know what to do....I was dazed and confused...I was worried sick about Larry, wondering how and when he would get home... The man I was involved with was keeping close tabs on me...I was watched so closely...He had all the internet programs taken off my computer and forbid me to ever use any one's computer that had net access....and forbid me to have any contact with Larry...
I was so lost, I went to work, went home and that was about it....I would sneak calls to Larry's house, I just needed to hear his voice...I didn't have the guts to say a word...So I ended up hanging up on him...I was sure that he hated me...He went to hell and back for our love and I wasn't there for him...I couldn't forgive myself so how could he forgive me?????
Then one day in early February of this year, I called and left a really simple message on his machine..."I will be working all weekend...call if you want" The next day I was at work...and the receptionist paged me at noon and told me I had a call....It was Larry...we must have talked for an hour...We worked out what had happened 6 months before....We told each other that we would just be friends and call each other once in a while....Well True Love conquers all because we both still loved each other more than the world....
I went out and reinstalled the net secretly so that Larry and I could have our communication back....We also started planning our life together.....We came up with many plans but none seemed to work for us...Larry had a great job that we could not risk him losing...And I didn't want to tell anyone in Canada what was going on ....so we just kept on planning....til one night Larry and I were chatting and he said to me ..."I am going to buy a plane ticket and be there....I had asked him if he could be in my home town at the end of April...He told me that on May 2/97 he would be in Ontario, Canada ...and all I had to do was meet him at the airport...
Well May 2 arrived and I felt stronger then ever....It was the day that I would finally meet My Prince... With Larry on the way, I went early in the morning to have coffee with my best friend...I explained what I was going to do... and she said she would be at the airport with me that evening...After coffee I went home and told the man I had been involved in that I was going on a vacation with my children....He was so mad...he knew something was wrong in his world, he just hadn't figured what it was... I packed the car, picked up my Kids at school and had 6 hours til Larry arrived...I went to the airport and waited.....
A friend from college worked for a local airline and her and I spent the afternoon drinking coffee and waiting for the plane... I watched the plane approach the airport and land...the plane taxied up to the airport and finally the doors to the plane opened... There were so many people on the plane, all getting off, I started to wonder if my Prince was on the plane...but all of a sudden the most handsome man I had ever seen looked through the plane door and stepped out...I ran to meet my one true love...
As he came through the door to the airport he opened his arms to me...we just clung to each other not wanting to let go.... Within an hour of his arrival we started our trip home....We said our goodbyes to my friends and headed for the border...
After 4 and a half days of driving we arrived home in Oregon....We had a message from his friend Will that the Police in Canada had called and there were missing persons reports and abduction charges pending all across the States....I quickly called to Police in Canada and told them that we were safe and happy....All charges were droped that day...
And now Larry and I are married, happy and content for we have finally became one!!!
There are many stories of internet love, some happy and some terrifying...I am happy to say that Larry and I trusted in our Dreams and our Love and have no regrets....
Well, it is now 2 and a half years later and Larry and I are happier than ever. We still spend alot of time on the Internet, on an online gaming networked called HEAT.net check it out if you like to play computer games. Larry and I are known on HEAT as Warbreed2 and Goblin2. HEAT.net is a community where members are family. The HEAT staff is always available to help members find their way. You can also earn degrees and spend them in HEAT's affliliate online store Chips and Bits. There are a thousand ways to earn degrees, trophies and most of all meet some of the best and most friendly people in the world.
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