Troop 7
Troop Goals

On Saturday, August 21, the Troop 7 PLC attended Jr. Leader Training. At this
training, the PLC established the following goals for the 2002-2003 Scouting year:
Retain Older Scouts
Have different activities for older/higher ranking Scouts(Star, 13+)
Have an active troop
Become a model troop
Earn Quality Unit Award
Earn Baden-Powell Patrol Awards
Earn Bishop Ott Service Award
Participate in more Service Projects
Have more of a presence at Pack 7 Cub Scout Activities
Share an activity with the troop at Immaculate Conception church
Earn $10,000 at the annual Jambalaya fund raiser in October
Have better 1st year scout advancement
Have Scoutmaster meetings periodically to coordinate advancement needs
with activities
Adults assigned to work with Patrol Leaders
Organize the scout hut
Have a work day at the scout hut
Keep better records
Have effective troop meetings
The PLC then listed the things that make an effective troop meeting:
A. Guest speakers
B. Agenda by time
C. Outside activities
D. Participants know their
role (they are prepared)
E. Meetings in a different
environment (somewhere other than cafeteria)
F. Organized activities
G. Disciplined and
controlled environment
H. Hands on activities with
I. Testing of scouting
J. Reviews of
scouting skills
K. Patrol
Create a Safe Haven within Troop 7
The PLC then defined a Safe Haven
A. A place to get away from
B. A place where you're
accepted and appreciated and NOT rejected
C. A place where you can
feel invincible
D. A place where you can't
be hurt; not emotionally, not mentally and not physically
E. A place where there is
less criticism
F. A place with more
Last updated: 1/12/2002
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