Hey, this page isn't full yet, so if you have ANY poetry written by teens, you can send it to cool_kellan@hotmail.com. Thanx for your time, we appreciate it. Also, if you want it to be shown, please give us your name, and email address (optional).
Dancing on the clouds above.
Filled with so much earthly love.
Reaching for a love so fine.
Only life can replace in good time.
And so I leave you with this poem.
Of mixed emotions unknown
Blind Love
I see my life so far ahead.
Love is hidden unknown, unsaid.
Tears form in my eyes.
As I kiss my world good-bye.
Unaware of what to do.
Not knowing if I still truly love you.
Friends get in the way.
Month after month, day after day.
Confusion grips my soul
As my heart sinks so low.
To die or not to die.
To take a gun and kiss my life good-bye.
Then what will you say?
When you see where my body lays?
God, what has become of me...
That I couldn't see
Your love for me.
Am I so blind?
Searching for something to find...
And yet it stands right in front of me...
I deserve to die, for what I didn't see.
I have caused you so much pain.
I just didn't...didn't see...
That you truly loved me.
Perfect Girl
She smiles, flashing her sparkling teeth
Her long hair shines like the ocean
No one ignores her or finds her pesky
She is always the center of attention
Hanging with her friends, the 'in' group
The girl is unaware of the damage she is causing
Though she is perfect, she has one flaw
She has never been lonely, independent, or helpless
She is the perfect girl without a heart.
If I Told You That I Love You
If I told you that I love you
If I told you that I love you
If I told you that I love you
If I told you that I love you
Darling would you care?
Or would you just laugh at me
With a flick of your fine hair?
Would you cry a thousand tears,
Or smile a thousand times?
What would you feel inside?
As I looked into your eyes
Would you only gaze back
With a look of great surprise?
And wanted you to stay
Would you continue to be with me
Or simply turn away?
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