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U2 memory II

This site will describe a memory from the popmartconcert. My mates and me have bought the tickets to this concert about six months earlier. We bought tickets so we could stand on the field. The concert would be played in Gothenburg (Göteborg) in Sweden. We had to get to Gothenburg the day before because that city is like 350 km away, and we couldn’t go there the same day as the concert. The concertday was the second of august 1997, and the weather was wonderful. Much better than the last U2 concert. We wanted go in pretty early so we could get a nice place pretty near the stage. At first we were a kind of sceptical, because we have heard rumours that the concerts in USA have not been sold out and some journalist were critical. Some thought that it wouldn’t be a cool concert and good as the ZooTV show. But they were totally wrong! This time we were standing like 40 meters from the stage and about 15 meters from the extrastage. The stage was really odd. First of all there was a supergiant screen, which was so big like it was a miracle that it would fit in the stadium. The coolest thing about the stage was that you could see another giant thing- the Lemon. The Lemon which could include several persons, and could also move. After an eternity of waiting the evening was turning to night and the sky was turning darkblue, the tune "Popmuzik" started playing. Over 48 000 people were there and I think that almost everyone knew what was going on. The crowd began to scream, and we were trying to see the bandmembers when they were walking in the crowd to get to the stage. It was difficult to see them above everyone’s head. When the band appeared on the extrastage we saw them clearly, much clearer than the ZooTV concert. The crowd was jumping up and down like crazy (including me). Finally the band got up on stage and Bono was boxing in the air. The concert started with "Mofo" and after that there were several excellent songs. The band played at first songs from "Pop" and "Achtung Baby", after a while they played the old classic songs. After "All I Want Is You" Bono and the Edge walked to the B-stage and performed songs unplugged, and I remember especially "Staring At The Sun". Both the Edge and Bono, sang with such beautiful voices. I could then see the band just 10-15 meters from me and that was so awesome. During the Miamisong, Bono was really crazy, he took a girl from the audience and the girl tried to carry and kiss Bono at the same time. During the song, I thought Bono would throw the microphonetripod out in the crowd. But he didn’t. He was just so cool. The absolute coolest moment in the show was when the lemon started moving toward us. It opened and there stood the guys and were looking at us, I really don’t remember what I was thinking then but I guess I was just paralysed. At the end of the concert, my throat was dry like a dessert, because I had used my voice pretty much during the concert. My voice is not the best so I am not sure that those people who were standing by my side were so happy to hear me singing. ;-) Another fantastic moment was when the band played "With Or Without You". Almost everyone was singing and it was a really a cool feeling when almost 50 000 were singing at the same time. U2 played "One" and that was the last song. During the tune you could see a big red heart in the middle of the screen. After the concert we were really exhausted because we have been on the stadium for at least 7 hours in a row. The happiness we felt after the show was extraordinary. I remember my fiends were jumping around in a circle and were screaming happily at the same time. Afterwards we went to a flat near to the stadium, where we had to drink at least one litre of water. The popmartshow was different than ZooTv or Zooropa. It’s hard to say whether it was a better concert or not. A friend of mine thinks that the ZooTV show was better and cooler. Maybe he has right. My opinion is that the show was at least so good as the ZooTV- concert, but the songs and the mixing of songs was even better. The sceptics we felt before the concert were gone. Popmart wasn’t quite as genius as ZooTV but the performance and the songs in that order gave me a splendid memory. It confirmed that U2 is the best rockband in history without any doubt./the Lemonguy
NOTICE! Those pics are not my own.

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