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MKSMP > Image Gallery > Fan Art

My Fan Art Page!

Hey there! I have been planning to put this page up for a long time, but I just couldn't get
off my butt and get my pics scanned. Thanx to Captain Ben-yu for letting me use his cool
scanner. Please excuse the quality of the pics, because I draw all my stuff on looseleaf
in a notebook. Starting now, I'm going to start drawing on computer paper.

If you have any fan art pics that you would like to post, I would be more than glad to put
them up. Just email me and I'll post it on this page. It doesn't even have to be Sailor Moon.
But enough of my ranting, to the pics!

My Pics

Other People's Pics

A pic of Pluto by my good friend Lisette

A cool Chibi-usa pic by Black

An Usagi pic by Black

A cool pic of Gohan by my friend Will.