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MKSMP > Cool Stuff > Survey

Sailor Moon Survey

Hey there! Please take this really easy survey that I wrote myself!

First, I need you to enter some personal info. It will NOT be shown to anyone else but me. Then, simply fill out your personal preferences about Sailor Moon and click submit. Easy, huh?

~~Begin personal info~~


If you have a Sailor Moon web site, please fill in the next two fields.
Site Name:

Site URL:

~~End personal info~~

How did you reach this site?

How would you rate this site? (1="Sucks the big one" 10="Heavenly")
1  2
3  4
5  6
7  8
9  10

Who is your favorite Sailor Senshi?

Who is your favorite Sailor Starlight?
Taiki/Sailor Star Maker
Yaten/Sailor Star Healer
Seyia/Sailor Star Fighter

Who is you favorite "side" character?

Who is your favorite villian?

How many hours a day do you spend on the internet?
1-2 hours
2-3 hours
3-4 hours
4-5 hours
5-6 hours
6-7 hours
7-8 hours
8-9 hours
(You're probably thinking "why would he put that many options? But trust me, I've pulled a few 9 hour nights myself (9 p.m.-6 a.m.), and I'm sure that some of you have too.)

Do want a question to be on the survey that isn't, or do you just want to say something? Write down your comments here!

Thank you so much for taking my survey!